Former State Senator From California and Former Bill Clinton Adviser Agree: ‘We Are Seeing the Complete Collapsing of the Democratic Party’

Democrats Are running from their radical party. “Partial transcript via Eric Abbenante on Twitter/X: Gloria Romero: “I believe that in history we are seeing a major inflection point, the complete collapsing of the Democratic Party. This party refuse this to recognize

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In-N-Out heiress says she closed Oakland location because it was ‘absolutely dangerous’

I am no sure which is more dangerous, Gaza or Oakland. “The In-N-Out heiress whose grandparents founded the popular burger chain said that the company’s decision to close its sole Oakland location was due to the site being “absolutely dangerous.” “I mean, there

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Republican to lead California Board of Equalization with support from Democratic state controller

This is great news.  Ted Gaines has been a true policy and political leader for many years.  He has represented his community in the Assembly, State Senate and the Board of Equalization.  Now, though the Democrats control the BOE, he

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Should California Go Full Steam Ahead on Offshore Wind Farms? Latest Evidence Says No

Want to kill whales, fish and other living organism in the ocean?  Want to spend billions on a wind turbine that will kill birds?  That is what the Democrats want.  Why do they hate energy and the environment? “California is

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Congress just pushed Social Security closer to the brink to appease unions, but few seem to care

Thanks to the unions, the Feds will spend $20 billion a year EXTRA on Social Security.  So, a system that will end in 2033 will now by closed months or years earlier. “As they rushed home for the holidays, members

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Immigrants With Temporary Protected Status Fear Deportation as Trump Returns

What part of “temporary” do these illegal aliens NOT understand?  They were given temporary permission to stay in our country.  They did not get permanent permission.  So, why are they upset that they will be returned to their country.  If

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