California colleges agree on how to interpret in-state tuition law for undocumented students

Just to let you know.  If you break the law and here illegally, the State Colleges and Universities will pretend you are honest—and give you a break on tuition.  While kids from England, Japan and other nations pay full tuition,

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California Bill Would Give Black Applicants An Edge In Getting Occupational Licenses

Sacramento Democrats have decided to use State issued licenses based on race—not abilities, qualifications or equal treatment. “Assemblyman Mike Gipson, author of AB 2862, said the state’s licensing process poses barriers for African Americans seeking employment, particularly in terms of wage

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UC Riverside Strikes Deal with Pro-Palestinian Mob, Violates California Anti-BDS Law

UC Riverside has decided to violate State law—and instead promote Hamas/Nazi ideology and policy. Newsom violates the nations immigration laws, Biden violates congressional laws on student loans, so why shouldn’t UC riverside set up its own rules? “The UCR Administration

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