‘No Immigrant Should Be Detained,’ Says Left-Wing Nonprofit With $769 Million Federal Immigration Contract

How confused are these people?  They do not want migrants sent back home.  Great.  But the Trump orders are about ILLEGAL ALIENS, not people here legally.  But these folks want to confuse the issue—they believe there is no difference between

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Caldwell: Reliving the Grapes of Wrath; The Central Coast Sequel

California farmers are under attack.  Government, private equity funds, whacko environmentalists, Newsom refusing to provide water.  From every direction the California farmer is an endangered species. “I have been thinking about the novel, the column, and the phenomenon lately because

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Kelsey Grammer says conservative movement is looking ‘more attractive’ to Hollywood

Hollywood is changing.  Maybe because too many denizens of Hollywood have been victims of illegal aliens.  Or, they have realized how expensive it is to live in California, so they move to a Free State.  The fires proved to them

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