California’s PG&E secures $15B loan from Biden administration. Critics call it a ‘bailout’

The good people of Iowa and Florida, well run States, are going to pay for the failures of Gavin Newsom and the Sacramento Democrats.  They created bad policies, refused to clean the forests, got gigantic fires.  That caused high insurance

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RFK Jr. Wants to MAHA; San Francisco Pushes Fat Acceptance as Public Health

San Fran is crazy.  It is the home of corruption, drugs, hate and intolerance.  Now we find the government is promoting people to get heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. “Fat activism is a very mainstream phenomenon on the cultural

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Can new state regulations resolve California’s existential insurance crisis?

If the State did not control the insurance industry, we might be able to get insured n California.  But the government policies have pushed the cost and availability of insurance to a low point. “Last Friday, as the latest of those

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Social housing can work in SF, a groundbreaking new report shows

Social housing?  What is that—and what does it do to the free market and private housing? “The Board of Supes budget and Legislative analyst released today a report on the feasibility of building social housing in the city—and it shows that, particularly

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