Little by little San Fran and the Bay Area are collapsing. Families and businesses are fleeing. Here is more evidence of the spiraling DOOM LOOP. “Walgreens announced on Thursday that two stores in Oakland and one in Richmond would be
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
It Only Took 12 Months For Roughly 1,000,000 Native-Born Jobs To Vanish Under Biden-Harris
Biden and Harris were job killers for Americans. But, for the people they represent, illegal aliens, they were good for jobs. “More than 1,000,000 fewer native-born Americans are employed than last year, according to data from the Bureau of Labor
House Report Finds (Nearly) Every COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Was True
Government lied to us. It caused hundreds of thousands to die because it refused to allow life saving drugs be given to those stricken with COVID. Instead, they forced us to us untested, deadly vaccines. Today you will note numerous
Government Gives Air WARNING. No One Knew About it—Even Today
Did you know that for a few days last week the government had an air alert—limit your outdoor activities and don’t burn wood—except if you are above 3000 feet. Never saw this in any mainstream media, on TV or radio.
Chevron Is Cutting Low-Carbon Spending by 25% Amid Belt Tightening
Chevron is getting smart. It is getting out of California, closing its Richmond facility. Now they are cutting back on money losing, unscientific low carbon production. Instead they will make a bigger profit, hirer more people and give bigger dividends.
Bialosky: Get Them Back in the Office
Only 6% of Washington DC Federal employees come to the office. That means we have hundreds of thousands of unneeded workers. It looks like they will have a choice—either show up or it will be considered a resignation. Biden and
San Diego Sales Tax Increase Failed: Mayor Todd Gloria Announces $258 Million Projected Deficit
The people of San Diego have had enough. The politicians created a massive deficit. To cover it, they wanted families and businesses to pay more in taxes. Never a word about cutting back government spending. So, the people said NO
Caldwell: Taxpayers Are Building a $5 million Snack Bar
Several years ago, between Simi Valley and Moorpark, the State wanted to complete the 23 freeway. At one point it rained, and a puddle was created. The State declared the puddle a wetlands. That mean they had to “mitigate” the
Los Angeles Times Owner Plans to Launch Tech-Driven “Bias Meter” On Articles Next Year
The LA Times realizes it is on the same level as Pravda in Moscow. It is a government mouthpiece. The billionaire owned is afraid his investment is going down the toilet. So, he wants to put a “bias meter” next
Bob Blumenfield and the $68 Million Giveaway to Hotel Developer
This is how politics works. Donors get the contracts and the people get the bill. “Furthermore, the incentive agreements were designed to encourage the development of hotels near the Convention Center. But after many years, the goal of 8,000 rooms