If you are a criminal from another country and you like the Central Valley, Fresno is for you. The Police Chief of Fresno and the County Sheriff have declared the County a protective for criminal—and open season on the citizens.
Category: Stephen Frank’s California Political News And Views
A climate mess: Azerbaijan COP summit sees rich and poor nations battle over funding
The Third World countries want trillions of dollars from the U.S. Not from India, China or Russia, but from us. Anything think Trump will give a dime to these folks? Where does the money go? Top destroy U.S. companies and
Concrete barriers mysteriously placed on streets across the San Fernando Valley
Government will not do anything to protect the public from the homeless. The State can not account for $24 billion in homeless spending. L.A. did not spend over half a billion dollars it has to eradicate homelessness. UCLA has STOLEN
Fresno School Employees Say District’s Job Shifts Endanger Kids and Staff
This has to be a joke. The staff is claiming if they are moved children will be harmed. What are they smoking. This is just a union scam to try to get the public on their side. It is the
Los Angeles becomes sanctuary city but relies on federal funds for migrants
Want to rape, murder and pillage? If you are here illegally from a foreign country, the City of Los Angeles will protect you. If you are a victim of the city of LA policy, suck it up and shut up.
Attendance is a bright spot in the latest California School Dashboard
Great news! The absentee rate has gone down from 30% to 20%. Of course there are fewer students, many have fled the government schools. The better news is that more kids are being given child care, in the guise of
‘Keep On Keeping On’: California Public Health Officials Express Resolve Ahead of 2nd Trump Term
We know the COVID vaccine was untested. We also know tens of thousands have died because of the vaccine, many more have a lifetime of health problems directly related to the vaccine. Yet the so-called State health officials, including those
Planned Parenthood Caught Selling ‘Viable’ Fetuses To University Of California San Diego
The Federal government gives $300 million a year to Planned Parenthood. State governments give hundreds of millions more. If someone wants to promote the killing of babies, government should not be financing it. Let Bette Mdiler, George Clooney and the
If you believe the headline, “I rode Muni’s new, free on-demand shuttle — and it was magical”, the shuttle was provided free, the drivers are working for free and the mechanics are giving away their services. Someone is paying for
Healthcare leviathan Kaiser shrinks downtown Oakland footprint again
Several months ago Kaiser in Oakland sent a notice to its employees. They said the streets of Oakland around the facility is dangerous, go out in pairs and try not to be out at night. Now they are giving up