The Catholic Church, at least one of it schools, has decided to become an agent of the abortionists Planned Parenthood.
“The University of San Diego (USD) is a Catholic higher education institution. But its health plan for the 2021-2022 school year covers a number of medical procedures and drugs that are directly opposed to the moral teaching of the Catholic Church.
The university said that it is required to cover the services, including abortion, sex-change surgeries, voluntary sterilization and abortifacient birth control due to state and federal law.
A spokesperson would not explain which laws require it.
If you are a Catholic supporting this school—stop it. Even the spokesperson for the school could not tell what laws “forced” them to support the killing of babies? If this church does not stand up for innocent lives, who will. Shame on the Cardinal, the Bishop and other Catholic leaders responsible for this action—have they thought of becoming Unitarians instead?
Catholic University of San Diego health plan pays for abortions, sex-change surgeries

The university said state and federal law requires the abortion coverage, but did not point to specific legal examples, and the Diocese of San Diego was ‘unaware’ of what was covered by the student health insurance plan.
Lela, Gallery, The College Fix, 8/16/21
(The College Fix) – The University of San Diego (USD) is a Catholic higher education institution. But its health plan for the 2021-2022 school year covers a number of medical procedures and drugs that are directly opposed to the moral teaching of the Catholic Church.
The university said that it is required to cover the services, including abortion, sex-change surgeries, voluntary sterilization and abortifacient birth control due to state and federal law.
A spokesperson would not explain which laws require it.
“USD’s employee and student benefit plans are required to align with state and federal regulations,” spokesperson Lissette Martinez told The College Fix via email on August 6. “The services mentioned are typically those that are required to be covered, and individuals are encouraged to consult with their medical provider regarding the best course of treatment for any medical concern.”
“Aside from the government mandates as it relates to our insurance benefits,” Martinez said, “USD has a long-standing position as a Catholic university of not promoting such services as they are inconsistent with the university’s Catholic identity and our values.”
She did not respond to a follow-up email on August 6 that asked for clarification on what state and federal regulations mandate the coverage of those services.
The Catholic Church has long taught that neither male or female Catholics can deliberately limit their fertility through artificial means, such as sterilization or hormonal birth control. It has also always opposed abortion and taught that someone cannot change his or her sex.
“The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil,” apologetics website Catholic Answers said.
Pope Paul VI issued the 1968 papal encyclical Humanae Vitae in response to growing advocacy for birth control amongst Catholic bishops and priests. In it, the Pope declared abortion, contraception, and sterilization as immoral as they all go against God’s design for sex.
The document said “the direct interruption of the generative process already begun and, above all, all direct abortion, even for therapeutic reasons, are to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating the number of children.”
“Equally to be condemned, as the magisterium of the Church has affirmed on many occasions, is direct sterilization, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary,” Humanae Vitae also said.