These are the people running the State, the Governor and the Legislature. Bet you never heard of these folks—you are not allowed to vote for them, but every agency actions has their finger prints on it.
“The lockout came after the three elected vice presidents of SEIU Local 1000 took action Sunday to suspend President Richard Louis Brown. Brown said Monday he would not recognize the suspension. The effort is the latest attempt from within the divided organization to remove Brown, who was elected in May on promises of dues reductions, pay raises and major changes to the traditional way of doing things at the influential public employee union. A group of board members has been trying to strip Brown’s leadership powers since October, and filed a lawsuit last month seeking to compel the change.”
Chaos in one of California’s largest government unions as VPs lock out Local 1000 president

BY WES VENTEICHER, SLO Tribune, 2/28/22
California’s largest state employee union reached a new level of disarray Monday as three top officers locked the union’s president out of the organization’s Sacramento headquarters.
The lockout came after the three elected vice presidents of SEIU Local 1000 took action Sunday to suspend President Richard Louis Brown. Brown said Monday he would not recognize the suspension. The effort is the latest attempt from within the divided organization to remove Brown, who was elected in May on promises of dues reductions, pay raises and major changes to the traditional way of doing things at the influential public employee union. A group of board members has been trying to strip Brown’s leadership powers since October, and filed a lawsuit last month seeking to compel the change.
Two of the three vice presidents had been working with Brown on the union’s budget and other objectives, staying out of Brown’s fight with the board members. But they began discussing suspension last week. Richard Louis Brown stands in front of at SEIU Local 1000 before his swearing in as president of the organization on June 27, 2021. On Sunday, he was locked out by three union vice presidents because Brown “posed an immediate threat to the welfare of Local 1000.”
In a letter Sunday addressed to Brown’s chief of staff, the vice presidents said Brown “posed an immediate threat to the welfare of Local 1000.” They cited language in the union’s governing documents that allow the vice presidents to suspend the president. “Troubling patterns emerged with Brown’s actions that dismantled both transparency and democracy that members expect,” the vice presidents said in the letter.
“Due to his actions, the three Vice Presidents had no alternative but to promptly step in to restore fiscal prudence, board oversight, democratic procedures, and the proper delegation of officers’ duties all required for our members’ benefit.” Brown said Monday he is still the union’s president. “This is a travesty of justice to the voting membership of Local 1000 by the VPs!” he said in a text Monday morning. Brown said he suspended the three vice presidents Friday, locking them out of the union’s headquarters before they took action to suspend him.