Chelsea Handler:  White, Privileged Female Liberal RACIST

Chelsea Handler:  White, Privileged Female Liberal RACIST

Joe Biden says that if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.  He also said he does not want integration of schools, because he does not want government schools to become “jungles.”  Now you have Chelsea Handler, the nymphomaniac upset that a black singer she once slept with is voting for Trump.

“In a resurfaced video clip from four years ago, Handler claimed that because rapper 50 Cent is black, he “can’t vote for Donald Trump.” 

During an appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s woke late-night talk show, Handler complained that the rapper had endorsed former President Trump in 2020.

“He said he doesn’t want to go from 50 Cent to 20 Cent. I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump, and that he shouldn’t be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he’s worried about his own personal pocketbook,” Handler said. 

Why does this white, Progressive, privileged female hate democracy?  She is a white racist.

Imagine If Republicans Said What Chelsea Handler Claimed About Black Voters

Sarah Arnold, Townhall,  6/8/24

Comments made by liberal outspoken Trump critic Chelsea Handler have come back to haunt her— and why Black voters are quickly abandoning President Joe Biden. 

In a resurfaced video clip from four years ago, Handler claimed that because rapper 50 Cent is black, he “can’t vote for Donald Trump.” 

During an appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s woke late-night talk show, Handler complained that the rapper had endorsed former President Trump in 2020.

“He said he doesn’t want to go from 50 Cent to 20 Cent. I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump, and that he shouldn’t be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he’s worried about his own personal pocketbook,” Handler said. 

The so-called “comedian” insisted that 50 Cent had the power to sway the black vote away from Biden’s favor. She then made a crude suggestion, saying that maybe she could have sex with him and convince him not to vote for Trump.  

“[He] doesn’t want to pay 62 percent of taxes, which by the way, isn’t a plan of Joe Biden’s that’s a lie,” she claimed. “He doesn’t want to pay 62 percent of taxes because he doesn’t want to go from being 50 Cent to 20 Cent.”

Handler’s comment ignited a sleuth of backlash among conservatives— turning the tables on Democrats who consistently accuse the right of being racist. 


One social media user said that “white liberal women are some of the most racist people in existence,” with another writing, “condescending, white, racist Karen telling Black men who they’re allowed to vote for… great.”

Another called Handler “gross and racist.” 

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