Is there anyone left in California that believes government education is working? Between the perverse sex education based on the lifestyle of Hugh Hefner, the racist and anti-Semitic views of Louis Farrakhan, the anti-freedom views of Bernie Sanders, California government schools are where kids go to be indoctrinated.
The time has come to end the government monopoly on education—allow all children to get the quality education that Gavin Newsom gives to his children. That means school choice.
Last week a ballot measure was submitted to the Attorney General to give California children an opportunity of a quality education. This means that a children will get a voucher for approximately $14,000 to take to a private, government, charter or homeschool. Money not spent would go to a college fund—every dime
Worse, some are thinking of creating a second school choice measure—but that one will include a means test—that is really creating class warfare. A means test will cause the middle class not to be able to take advantage of the voucher—so the poor will get a great education, the rich will continue to get a great education—the middle class will stay in failed schools. This will kill BOTH measures—and the winner will be the unions and government.
Please go here to volunteer for the real school choice measure—our kids deserve a quality education:

PASADENA, CALIFORNIA – Californians for School Choice officially submitted a landmark school choice initiative titled, “The Education Freedom Act,” to the California Attorney General to ensure the proposed initiative be placed on the November 2022 general election ballot. The
initiative will require 1.0 million valid signatures to qualify because it amends the California State Constitution. The Group is planning an aggressive statewide signature gathering effort. They will
have 180 days to gather the signatures after the Attorney General approves the initiative for title and summary.
Californians for School Choice, a citizen group of more than 20,000 grass roots volunteers who want to expand the education opportunities for all K-12 students in California by empowering parents to take advantage of how schools will have to compete for funding thus improving customer service at all schools both public and private.
“Under the Education Freedom Act, the money will follow the student instead of the zip code,” said Mike Alexander, chair of Californians for School Choice and a lead proponent of the school choice initiative. Parents, not politicians, will decide where to educate their children. Our
proposal has already attracted broad non-partisan support across the state.
Unsurprisingly concern for the future of our children transcends party affiliation race, religion, and ethnicity.” This The Education Freedom Act has four key features:
· An Education Savings Account (“ESA”) will be established for each K-12 child in California on request. · Each year, that account will be credited with the student’s pro rata share of what are known as Prop 98 funds. That share will rise to over $14,000 per year.
Parents can direct those funds to a participating public, charter, or accredited private or religious school. The money will follow the student not the politicians.
Any unspent funds will accumulate and can be spent on college, vocational training or other qualified educational expense.
[Local spokesperson to talk about the need to school choice in their community]
“Trapped in the worst schools by their poverty and their zip code, poor and minority students suffer the most,” said Alexander. “A poor education ensures that the cycle of poverty will continue. Without equal access to a quality education, future Californians will lack the
knowledge and skills they need to participate fully in the complex economy of the future. Nor will they be able to participate fully in our representative form of government.”
Over the last ten years, student per capita spending has doubled while student academic performance has plummeted. Despite spending $20,000 per student this year, our schools now rank 48th in the nation. There are many private and parochial schools that provide a superior education for half that.
“Current polls show that upwards of 70% of parents favor school choice. And yet only 7% send their children to private schools. Another 2% homeschool their children. Why? They simply cannot afford to pay the highest taxes in the country, live in the least affordable housing and pay
private school tuition at the same time.”
The Group is expecting to receive approval from the Attorney General by September.
For more information, go to