Coerced Compliance is not Freedom in Gov. Newsom’s Staged Re-Opening of California

Newsom is going to use the power and threat of government to force people to take a vaccine that is experimental and does not tell you the short and long term risks.  Just take it on faith.  Just like we allowed him to close our schools, churches and jobs.  He caused in one year 35.9% of small business to close.  While we got take out from a burger joint he went to the French Laundry with a roomful of lobbyists, no masks and no social distancing.

“Following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement Friday that he will end his COVID stay-at-home order, business lockdowns, and school closures after more than 15 months, he also said a vaccination verification system is coming in short order – which is to say, he wants Californians to use an electronic vaccine passport to gain entrance to businesses, work and events.

The purpose of such an electronic system is to “allow” businesses to confirm that their customers have received their shots.

And those who have not taken the vaccines will be required to continue to wear masks, as a form of a “Scarlet Letter.”

It’s not the responsibility of businesses to confirm their clientele have been vaccinated for the coronavirus, any more than they are required to make sure their clientele have received an annual flu shot, or are boosting their immune systems by taking Echincea during cold and flu season. That’s not the job of the business, or the government; it’s solely the job of the individual.

Remember, he is keeping his emergency powers—so he can close us down any time he wants.  This is how they live in a totalitarian society.

Coerced Compliance is not Freedom in Gov. Newsom’s Staged Re-Opening of California

What’s coming, is some version of a social segregation system

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,   6/13/21   

Following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement Friday that he will end his COVID stay-at-home order, business lockdowns, and school closures after more than 15 months, he also said a vaccination verification system is coming in short order – which is to say, he wants Californians to use an electronic vaccine passport to gain entrance to businesses, work and events.

The purpose of such an electronic system is to “allow” businesses to confirm that their customers have received their shots.

And those who have not taken the vaccines will be required to continue to wear masks, as a form of a “Scarlet Letter.”

It’s not the responsibility of businesses to confirm their clientele have been vaccinated for the coronavirus, any more than they are required to make sure their clientele have received an annual flu shot, or are boosting their immune systems by taking Echincea during cold and flu season. That’s not the job of the business, or the government; it’s solely the job of the individual.

The lifting of mask mandates for vaccinated individuals is just another strategy to coerce compliance of the vaccination. “Get the vaccine and you can have your freedom; you can go back to normal,” is the idea here. “Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton came out and tweeted, ‘Get vaccinated or wear a mask.’ That’s it. These are the choices … Dr. Joseph Mercola reported on his website in an interview with CJ Hopkins, an American playwright, novelist and columnist living in Berlin.

The masks were and still are the primary means of generating the appearance of an apocalyptic plague threatening the very fabric of society, Hopkins said. When people take off their masks, the illusion will just evaporate.

What’s coming, is some version of a social segregation system.

Yet, according to Bloomberg’s dashboard tracking vaccine distribution, 58.5% of California’s population has received at least one shot and 45.6% of residents are fully vaccinated (up from 44.2% a week ago). California has the highest daily rate of doses administered in the country at 161,902, down from 163,850 a week ago), the Orange County Register reported.

This should be celebrated by the governor and public health officers around the state. Instead, Gov. Newsom plans to keep his emergency powers and wants to electronically track the people of California.

“When the state’s tiered reopening system sunsets on Tuesday, California will adopt federal masking guidelines which state that those who remain unvaccinated must continue wearing face coverings indoors,” the San Diego UT reported. “Businesses are given three different options when interacting with unmasked customers and patrons: Just trust them when they say they’re vaccinated, ‘implement vaccine verification’ or require everyone to wear a mask.”

Rightly so, the UT added, “The second option is somewhat mysterious.”

The UT continued:

“There is no mandate, no requirement, no passport,” Newsom said, noting that the guidance allows businesses to use such a system or ignore it all together without penalty.

He declined to say what form such an electronic verification system might take — whether it might work through, say, a smartphone app, the existing state ID system or some other method — only reiterating Friday that an announcement with deeper details is coming “very shortly.”

Remember that for the first time in history, healthy people were locked down during the worldwide Coronavirus scare. The medical industry set aside all rationale, ignored their own training, as hospitals got on board with the dubious protocols recommended by the CDC and National Institute of Health, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.

California isn’t really reopening, as the governor would have you believe. “While much of public life will officially return to normal on Tuesday, the state will still be under a statewide declaration of emergency,” the AP reported. “That means Newsom retains his authority to alter or suspend state laws indefinitely.”

And that is because the governor issued 58 executive orders during his statewide lockdown. Those “one-man-rule” decrees would also go away if he gives up his emergency powers.

And the state will continue to require face coverings for unvaccinated people, in some version of a social segregation system, pitting citizens against one another.