My good friend Dr. Coleman believes what is happening to America today is a “Democrat debacle”. As a partisan he is right. But it is more than that, it is an American debacle. Biden has turned over foreign and economic policy to the Communist Chinese—which has given his family millions. He has made race riots a “good thing”—and claimed all white people—except for himself—are racists. Our schools are in shambles, inflation is growing and the cost of gas is putting a crimp in the pocketbooks of the middle class.
“Currently, inflation (higher prices) is running at 5 percent per month. If that rate continues, prices will be 60 percent higher a year from now.
How bad is inflation? According to The Economist (July 3, 2021, issue) food costs 43.7 percent more than a year ago. Metals are up 92.8 percent. Crude oil costs 81.9 percent more.
Inflation is the equivalent of a tax — a very regressive tax. Inflation bears down most heavily on low-income people and individuals living on fixed incomes.
Inflation is taxation without legislation.
The 1970 American dollar is now worth 14 cents.
To add to this misery is the fact that he is suffering from dementia, incoherent, confused, misstating facts and prefers his ice cream to policy. This is a man who has turned over his office to his wife—as Woodrow Wilson did to his wife 100 years ago. His VP is a nutcase, cackling at everything and refusing to find announces to problems, like the invasion by illegal aliens—instead using it as an excuse to help foreign countries with money we do not have.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/8/21
American voters may have soured on the Democratic Party.
The Democrats have embraced some extremist ideology, giving Republicans an opportunity to gain legislative seats. No one should be surprised if the Republicans, in 2022, take control of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Now, almost six months into the presidency of Joseph Biden, a Democrat, there has been some progress in fighting COVID-19. But in other areas, such as the economy, race relations, and the criminal justice system, the Democrats have left themselves vulnerable to attack.
Currently, inflation (higher prices) is running at 5 percent per month. If that rate continues, prices will be 60 percent higher a year from now.
How bad is inflation? According to The Economist (July 3, 2021, issue) food costs 43.7 percent more than a year ago. Metals are up 92.8 percent. Crude oil costs 81.9 percent more.
Inflation is the equivalent of a tax — a very regressive tax. Inflation bears down most heavily on low-income people and individuals living on fixed incomes.
Inflation is taxation without legislation.
The 1970 American dollar is now worth 14 cents.
Some economists claim that the current inflation is only temporary. They cite the price of lumber, which has, until recent weeks, increased dramatically in price. Does anyone know if lumber will be as cheap as it was a year ago?
In the area of race relations, Americans keep hearing more and more about such terms as “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” (DEI). What do these terms really mean?
Are schools, universities, and the workplace going to be required to have so many people belonging to Group One, Group Two, Group Three, etc.?
Diversity may actually mean quotas.
Quotas are no stranger to America. According to The Economist (June 23, 2018), “Abbott Lawrence Lowell, the president of Harvard from 1909 to 1933, thought the university had too many Jews. In the first year of Lowell’s presidency, they made up 10% of the student body. By 1922, their numbers had more than doubled. To address what he called ‘the Hebrew problem,’ Lowell proposed an explicit Jewish quota of 15%.”
Currently, Harvard is being accused of discrimination against applicants of Asian ancestry.
There is nothing wrong with eliminating discrimination. But does DEI eliminate discrimination or enhance it?
Another problem for the Democrats is the call to “defund the police.” Over the last 12 month, crime rates in many parts of America have skyrocketed. Are most Americans in favor of cutting police budgets?
The Democrats have two more problems.
The first problem is that in states where the Republicans control both the legislative and executive branches, there are attempts to restrict who can vote. Some people argue that voting restrictions will decrease Democratic turnout.
The second problem is that certain Republican states will adjust legislative boundaries — so-called gerrymandering — to increase the number of Republican congressional and state legislative seats.
On election day 2022, Americans will find out if the Republican Party controls more House, Senate, and state legislative seats.
Right now, Americans should expect Republican gains in much of the nation.