My good friend Dr. Richard Coleman says America need discipline. To me, it is not discipline, but that we are too TOLERANT as a nation. We are tolerant of law breakers from other nations, criminals on our streets. Government schools instead of educating student give out diplomas based on racism, bigotry and passing the tests of the Hugh Heffner School of Sex. We tolerate corrupt politicians and being told we cannot speak out if it disagrees with Pelosi or Zuckerberg.
“Where else — with the possible exception of Third World countries — can people, with impunity, loot stores, demand that police operations go unfunded, sleep in the streets, get free money from the government, have atrocious public schools, and find that housing and gasoline are unaffordable?
And where else can able-bodied individuals choose to accept welfare than rather than take a job?
We need to be INTOLERANT. To paraphrase Ayn Rand, “There is a Virtue in Intolerance”. Return our nation to freedom, become intolerant of hate, bigotry, crime, bullying and corruption.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 7/16/21
The central defect in the United States today is a lack of discipline.
Where else — with the possible exception of Third World countries — can people, with impunity, loot stores, demand that police operations go unfunded, sleep in the streets, get free money from the government, have atrocious public schools, and find that housing and gasoline are unaffordable?
And where else can able-bodied individuals choose to accept welfare than rather than take a job?
The United States is nearly $30 trillion in debt. In 1981, the national debt was $1 trillion. In 1837, when Andrew Jackson was president, there was no national debt. Remember, that any borrower has to pay interest on debt.
How long can debt accumulate until the buyers of such debt — mainly people (living in the U.S. and elsewhere) and businesses, who purchase U.S. Treasuries (a form of bonds) — say something like, “No more!”
America’s lack of discipline has nothing to do with partisan politics. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party behave similarly when it comes to government overspending.
Government, especially the federal government, needs to go on a diet.
To engender fiscal discipline, there must be a limit on spending and a limit on taxation.
America has always been a land of opportunity. The U.S. Constitution guarantees rights like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of worship. Individuals who wish to petition to government for a redress of grievances are allowed to do so peacefully. Any American accused of a crime has the right to defend himself in a court of law.
The role of government must be to defend the nation from attack, protect private property, and have a system (like the courts) to settle disputes.
America is letting in too many people — people without skills, without proficiency in the use of the English language, and without money.
The time has come for government to tell foreigners who want to live in America (and presumably become citizens) that they must be:
· proficient in the use of the English language.
· free of disease.
· free of any conviction of violent crime or the use of illegal drugs.
· willing to work for a living.
To bring about appropriate immigration, America must build a wall around its borders. Hoverer, the wall must have a door to let in foreigners who qualify to live in America.
What should Americans do to allow people to vote? The answer is to establish a set of criteria for voting.
In order to vote, a person must be:
· an American citizen.
· alive.
· able show proof that he is a lawful, registered voter. (A form of photographic identification should, at no cost to the voter, be required for people who vote in person. For others, such as people who vote by mail, there must be a signature on a mailed-in ballot, and that signature must be verified.
To enhance discipline, let employers set standards of decency. Too many Americans look and smell as if they escaped from a zoo.
America has always had a traditional of tolerance. Nothing must disturb that tradition. If an American wants to believe that there is one God, more than one God, or no God at all, such beliefs are none of the government’s business.
The government must be able to give asylum to persecuted individuals. Groups like Jews faced 2,000 years of persecution in Europe and other places. The government should be allowed to give persecuted individuals entry into America. However, anyone allowed into the U.S. must be a good citizen. And being a good citizen means obeying the law.
George Washington, America’s fist president said it best after visiting a Jewish synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1790. In a letter to the synagogue’s congregation, Washington, as president, spoke about Jews living in America.
Washington said, “May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants — while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.”
Washington was right then. His words are right today.