We have a UNIPARTY in the United States—Progressive Democrats and weak Republicans.  The good news is that the GOP is moving in the Trump direction of populism and Constitutional government.  When he is re-elected in November, America, especially the GOP will move toward a real two party system.  One Party of American values and Constitutional government.  The other Party toward revolutionary government an ending the Rule of Law.

It looks like November will be a major transformative election.  It will change American politics for a few decades.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/29/24

Both major political parties in America are bedeviling Americans with bad ideas and anti-Semitic actions.

The latest insult was a recent advertisement from the Donald Trump campaign calling for a “unified reich.”  “Reich” is a German word meaning “empire or state.”  Nazi Germany often referred to itself as “das dritte Reich” (the third German empire).

(The first reich was the Holy Roman Empire (800/962-1806).  The second reich (1871-1918) was Germany during the era from the Franco-Prussian War up to the end of World War I.)

When Trump supporters use the word “reich,” it congers up images of Adolf Hitler and the barbarities of World War II.  Think of the six million Jews exterminated during the Hitler years (1933-1945).

The Donald Trump campaign quickly removed the “unified reich” advertisement.”

With the Democrats, there is a faction that despises Israel, a Middle Eastern Jewish state created in 1948.

A prominent Democratic congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has advocated cutting off American military aid to Israel, an American ally.  Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is often called by her initials, AOC.

AOC and her Democratic congressional allies, often called “progressives,” are adversaries of Israel and are not only anti-Zionists but also are anti-Semites.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2024, has, in recent months, called his opponents “vermin,” a term used by the Nazis to refer to Jews.  Trump has also said that if he loses the 2024 election, there will be a “bloodbath.”  Moreover, Trump has called for the “execution” of his former chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Millie.

Trump has not been clear on whether or not the federal government should have a role in managing items used for birth control.  On abortion, he has changed his views several times.

A few months ago, Trump said that, if re-elected, he would be a dictator for one day.  Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of dictatorship.

On the Democratic side, President Joe Biden has ordered a ban on the export of certain military supplies to Israel, a nation trying to defend itself after Hamas, a terrorist Palestinian organization, brutally attacked Jews -– Israeli and American –- on Oct. 7, 2023.  About 1,200 Jews were killed, and another group was taken hostage.

Biden has been spending taxpayers’ dollars recklessly.  He has also made the production of American petroleum extremely difficult, making the United States dependent on foreign petroleum suppliers (like anti-Zionist nations in the Middle East).

During Israel’s current time of war, America should do everything possible to support an Israeli victory, just as America, during World War II, did everything possible to support Great Britain.

The Democratic Party has not taken a strong stand against illegal immigration.  Before anyone can legally enter the United States, he must be free of disease and have no criminal record.  Also, any immigrant must have a job and be proficient in English.

With both the Republicans and the Democrats, the United States has entered a bitter era.

The two presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, are too old to be president.  Biden is 81. Trump will be 78 in June 2024.

It’s too bad that America does not have a parliamentary system like Great Britain.  Under a parliamentary system, unacceptable candidates for prime minister can easily be removed. 

When Liz Truss, a member of Britain’s Conservative Party, became prime minister in September 2022, she lasted about one month until fellow Conservatives deposed her.

Margaret Thatcher, the British prime minister from 1979 to 1990 and the head of the Conservative Party, won three British general elections (1979, 1983, and 1987).  In 1990, Thatcher proposed an unpopular tax.  At a secret meeting of the Conservative Party, Thatcher was removed as party leader, depriving her of her premiership.  John Major, another member of the Conservative Party, succeeded her.  Within hours of her defeat, Thatcher had to move out of 10 Downing Street, London, the residence of British prime ministers.

The big question for America is this:  Can the nation quickly get rid of incompetent, aged, and potentially reckless candidates for president?

2 thoughts on “Colman: A UNIFIED REICH

  1. Unfortunately, America has lost its way. Or maybe, the way is not lost. Maybe this is the way it always was, Maybe, we are more aware because it has become more obvious. The politicians no longer feel they need to hide.

  2. AOC and her Democratic congressional allies, often called “progressives,” are adversaries of Israel and are not only anti-Zionists but also are anti-Semites. They more closely represent the Nazis, of World War Two; their hatred of Jews is solidified. For that matter, all those that follow AOC’s line of thinking are Nazis too. The author forgets his history, we broke away from the Parliamentary form of government. The PEOPLE elected the current government, regardless of their ages and disabilities.

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