Abortion is not about money.  It is about morality and humanity.  What did the unborn child do to deserve to be killed in the womb or as it is being birthed?  This is not about money.  For some it is about convenience or should I say “inconvenience”.  Want to kill your baby?  Planned Parenthood will do it for free.  This is not about the cost of abortions; it is about the right to life for the innocent.

In America if you want to kill your baby, you can.  Can’t do it is Texas, go to New Mexico, which has seen a rise in abortions.  California will welcome you to kill your baby.  In fact, Newsom wants you to use California as the new “Killing Fields”.

The idea of “abortion insurance” intrigues me.  What insurance company would like to be known the death factory—we insure you for the right to kill babies.

But, this is a subject that needs to be discussed and debated.  Sadly, we need to prove that life is valuable, not just a throwaway object.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/28/24

The cost of an abortion can be between $500 and $2,000.  In some cases, the cost can be higher.

The cost of a medication abortion -– in which pills are used — is likely to be different, and possibly lower, than the cost associated with a surgical abortion.

Currently, in America, about two-thirds of abortions are medication abortions.

About half of America’s states have banned or placed restrictions on abortion.

After the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022 reversed the 1973 High Court’s ruling that abortion is a constitutionally protected procedure nation-wide, decisions on abortion are left to state governments.  The 1973 decision came in a case known as Roe v. Wade.

Florida and Texas, for example, place strong restrictions on abortion.  California and Hawaii do not.

So how can a woman who wants an abortion obtain one?

If a pregnant woman lives in a state that allows abortion, she herself can pay for the abortion or have her boss, an acquaintance, or a relative provide payment.

Some employers will pay for travel expenses if the pregnant woman lives in a state that restricts abortion.  According to CBS News, examples of such employers are Amazon, Citigroup, CVS Health, Microsoft, Proctor and Gamble, Tesla, and Disney.

If an employer does not pay for an abortion as well as provide travel expenses to a state where abortion is legal, there is a way, at least in theory, to use a free-market, capitalist approach to obtaining an abortion.

The free-market approach involves purchasing insurance to cover abortion expenses and possible expenses related to travel.

The insurance can be provided by an entrepreneurial firm or by an established insurance company.

At this time, it is impossible to know the cost of such insurance.

Moreover, there is no way to know what restrictions, if any, a given state government may place on the sale of such insurance.

But being able to use free-market insurance, those state governments that seek to restrict abortion may –- or may not –- be able to prevent the sale of free-market insurance.

For guidance on what a state government –- or any government -– might want to do, the words of Ronald Reagan, when first inaugurated for president in 1981, might apply.

At the inauguration, Reagan stated, “. . . government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

In 1967, as governor of California, Reagan signed the legislation permitting abortion in California.

Perhaps on the matter of a given state’s restrictions on abortion, one might conclude that government is the problem.

One thought on “Colman: ABORTION AND CAPITALISM

  1. Roe v Wade was just morally wrong. Abortions are morally wrong. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

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