The Left claims we are using our power to control oil.  Untrue.  American has all the oil and natural gas we need—and so much left over we can sell it abroad—and stop Iran from funding terrorism.

If a famine develops in China, the U.S. would have enormous influence over China if the U.S. provided food to China in exchange for more cooperative Chinese behavior in such areas as Taiwan (which China wants to conquer), the South China Sea (a major Asian trade route that China wants to control), and Chinese efforts to continue dictatorship over Tibet, Hong Kong, and Muslim areas inside China.

The U.S. could provide food to hungry regions in Africa and the Middle East.

Trump may not want to abandon his tariff plans.  Over recent years, Trump has called his enemies “vermin.”  He has also acted as a xenophobe, a narcissist, and a protectionist.” 

Actually, we can have both agripower and tariffs!  China needs us and they need Iranian oil.  When Trump stops the Iranian oil flow, China will need us even more.  That is the power Trump will have over the terrorist Chinese government.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/12/24

The Democrats -– and the Republicans -– need a new idea.

That idea is Agripower, the use of American agricultural surpluses to feed people in foreign countries as well as inside the U.S.

History shows that hungry people do not starve quietly.

Donald Trump’s idea of imposing tariffs on imports to America will only invite retaliation.

Trump’s proposed tariffs could be 10%, 20% 100%, or more.

For example, American exports of soybeans, wheat, corn, rice, and other foodstuffs could easily be in jeopardy.

China, with 1.3 to 1.4 billion people, is one harvest away from famine.

If a famine develops in China, the U.S. would have enormous influence over China if the U.S. provided food to China in exchange for more cooperative Chinese behavior in such areas as Taiwan (which China wants to conquer), the South China Sea (a major Asian trade route that China wants to control), and Chinese efforts to continue dictatorship over Tibet, Hong Kong, and Muslim areas inside China.

The U.S. could provide food to hungry regions in Africa and the Middle East.

Trump may not want to abandon his tariff plans.  Over recent years, Trump has called his enemies “vermin.”  He has also acted as a xenophobe, a narcissist, and a protectionist. 

Trump continually insults Republicans and Democrats alike.  He may want to use the Justice Department to harass and indict his political enemies.

Trump could change his authoritarian image by endorsing a policy of being a president who supports a policy of America’s being the world’s greatest supplier of food.

If Trump refuses to change his image, the Democrats should endorse Agripower, giving them an issue with which to clobber Republicans in future elections.  American farmers may look favorably on Democrats.

After World War II, America helped rebuild Europe (including defeated Germany), Japan, and other nations.

Post-war American presidents like Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower helped defeated nations recover.  Two American post-war secretaries of State, George Marshall and Dean Acheson, were instrumental in helping rebuild nations defeated in World War II.

Even President Richard Nixon and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, were heavily involved in trying to solve world-wide problems of hunger.

One has to wonder if Donald Trump has read “Present at the Creation,” Acheson’s book about helping defeated nations recover.  In fact, one could wonder if Trump even knows who Acheson was.

America is the world’s indispensable nation.  America offers freedom of wordship and the press.  America also offers freedom of speech and assembly.  It’s no wonder that so many people want to become American citizens.

Trump has a habit of offending and punishing people. 

If Trump wants to look good in history, he should embrace the best of what America has to offer –- freedom and food.