Imagine someone in America, on December 8. 1941, calling for a ceasefire against the Japanese or Nazi’s.  They would have been run out of town.  But, Biden and most Democrats are calling for a ceasefire by Israel against Hamas—who is still calling for the eradication of all Jews from this Earth.  And, the media is pushing this obscene gesture of suicide by Israel and Jews.

Leading up to WWII, we had the American Nazi Party and Nazi Youth marching in the United States.  The leading Nazi supporter was the U.S. ambassador to England, Joseph Kennedy, father of John F. Kennedy.  Roosevelt was forced to fire him.  Today we have campuses filled with the modern Nazi Youth calling for support for Hamas.  On the streets of NYC, L.A. San Fran and other major—and minor cities—we have modern Nazi youth calling or the killing of Jews.

In Michigan, Muslims are punishing Biden by voting “uncommitted” in the Democrat Primary.  Will Jews vote against Biden for the crime of proposing a ceasefire—which would harm Israel and Jews?  Imagine in 1944 Roosevelt calling for a ceasefire before we defeated the Nazi’s?


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  2/28/24 

The Palestinians, like the Nazis, want to kill the Jews.  It’s that simple.

America and Israel must not give in to anti-Semitic blackmail.

In the September 1938 Munich Agreement, British prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, appeased Adolf Hitler by allowing Nazi Germany to take over the German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland.  Upon returning to Britain, Chamberlain, said that he had brought, “Peace for our time.”  In less than a year, Hitler, on Sept. 1, 1939, attacked Poland, starting World War II in Europe.

In the British House of Commons, Winston Churchill, a member of Chamberlain’s Conservative Party, said Chamberlain’s actions in Munich would bring war, not peace. 

On May 10, 1940, Germany attacked France and the Low Countries.  On that same day, May 10, Chamberlain resigned as British prime minister.  Churchill became the new prime minister.

During World War II, Nazi Germany killed six million Jews.

In Biblical Israel, the Romans, in 70 AD (70 CE), occupied the Jewish homeland.  Most Jews had to flee to North Africa, Europe, or certain Islamic regions like modern day Iraq and Iran.

The Jews who fled Biblical Israel, were targets for discrimination and death in the places to which they had relocated.  For centuries, Jews were brutally treated in such nations as Russia, Poland, Germany, and France.  In England, King Edward I, in 1290, expelled the Jews.

In May 1948, the Jewish state of Israel was established in and near Biblical Israel.  After centuries of discrimination, the Jews had their own homeland.

To keep its independence, modern Israel has had to fight several wars.  In each of those wars Israel was successful.

Today, there is talk of a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip.

Why should there be a cease-fire?  On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, killing 1,200 to 1,400 Israeli Jews.  Some of those Jews were American Jews.  Hamas took other Jews hostage.

There should be no cease-fire.  Israel must defeat Hamas.

Certain American politicians, want a cease-fire.  President Joseph Biden is willing to support a cease-fire.  What Biden should do is supply Israel with as many weapons as possible to allow Israel to defeat Hamas.  Congress must support Israel.

Appeasement, like a cease-fire, will not work.

The Jews must protect their country and keep it free and democratic.