Why is the FBI hiding the data and details of their involvement on January 6, 2020? Why did a Capitol cop get to kill an unarmed woman, with NO interview and then cleared? Why is congress investigating the invasion of the Capitol by citizens, but no concern about illegal aliens, dead people voting and hundreds of thousands of phony ballots counted on November 3, 2020. If there was an insurrection and a coup, it occurred on November 3, 2020.
Actually, the coup of January 6 did not fail. The Democrats are now trying to disqualify 120 GOP incumbents who questioned the lack of auditing of the November election. They question why dead people and illegal aliens got to vote. They want to know why in Georgia hundreds of thousands of phony ballots showed up in the middle of the night in luggage—then counted.
Kennedy won in 1960 by phony ballots in Illinois. Now the Democrats will not allow an investigation of the known corruption of the 2020 election.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 1/13/22
January 6, 2021, the day a mob of Donald Trump supporters, attacked the U.S. Capitol, may not have been a movement that ultimately failed.
The plot contained plans to kill then-Vice President Mike Pence, a Republican, and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.
The story of January 6 may not be over if history is any guide.
There is an event that is very similar to the happenings of January 6.
On Nov. 8-9, 1923, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party thugs tried to overthrow violently the elected government of Bavaria, Germany. The plot was called the Beer Hall Putsch because events unfolded in a Munich, Bavaria, beer hall. Putsch is a German word meaning coup d’état.
Hitler and 2,000 of his Nazi henchmen began the putsch in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. The plan was to start a movement to overthrow the government of Bavaria. At the time of the putsch, Hitler was not known to most Germans.
In Munich, a cordon of police confronted Hitler and his followers. Sixteen Nazi Party members and four police officers were killed. The putsch failed. Hitler and his followers hoped that the plot to seize Bavaria would quickly spread to the rest of Germany.
Later, Hitler, in 1924, was put on trial for treason. He was convicted and sent to prison, where he wrote his infamous book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”). In the book, Hitler raged against Jews and other perceived enemies of Germany.
Some background is needed. Germany was defeated in World War I. The war ended in November 1918.
As losers, Germany was expected to pay the victors. The repayment was called reparations. From 1918 to 1923, hyperinflation affected Germany. What cost one German mark in 1918, cost one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) German marks in 1923. Hyperinflation destroyed the savings of most Germans, leaving them impoverished. In U.S. dollar terms, one American dollar, by November 1923, was worth 4.2 trillion German marks.
After serving nine months in prison, Hitler was released. He then began a movement to take over all of Germany. On Jan. 30, 1933, Hitler became chancellor (the equivalent of prime minister) of all of Germany.
Over the next few years, Hitler consolidated his power, ruthlessly eliminating his opponents. In March 1938, Hitler annexed Austria. Later in 1938, he took over the Sudetenland, a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia. In March 1939, Hitler swallowed up the rest of Czechoslovakia.
On Sept. 1, 1939, Nazi Germany attacked Poland, launching World War II in Europe. In June 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.
Facing military defeat in 1945, Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker. The date was Apr. 30, 1945.
On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered to the United States and other nations allied against the Nazis. During Hitler’s years in power, six million European Jews were exterminated. Also eliminated were other perceived opponents of the Nazis.
No one knows if the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was a one-time event or something that may continue.
In Germany, the Beer Hall Putsch was the beginning of many more years of significant turmoil.
Americans should be aware of the dangers of mob rule.