Donald Trump’s daughter and some grandchildren are Jewish. His son in law, and a senior advisor during his Presidency, Jared Kushner, is Jewish. Unlike any other President, he created the Abraham Accords, which brought peace to the Middle East—and then Biden in his stupor, annulled them—and now we are sowing the results—a war in the Middle East. Anti-Semitic? That describes Joe Biden who used his office to FINANCE the Iranian terrorist nation.
Let me see if I can understand this—Trump has two bad people to lunch and he is a bad person. But, we ignore him bringing peace to the Middle East and sanctioning Iran, that makes him a bad person.
As far as I am concerned, peace is more important than a lunch.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/16/23
Is Donald Trump an anti-Semite? Is he an anti-Zionist?
Former President Donald Trump’s remarks about the current situation in Israel and his actions about Jews in general require a “yes” answer to both questions.
In November 2022, Trump invited two avowed anti-Semites, Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, to his country club in Florida.
On Oct. 7, 2023, members of Hamas, an anti-Israel group located in the Gaza Strip, attacked Israel. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Israelis died. So did Americans living in Israel. The Gaza Strip is adjacent to the south of Israel. Some victims of the Hamas raid took Israelis and Americans hostage.
In an editorial in The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 13, 2023), Trump is quoted as saying that . . . “Hezbollah is very smart. They’re all very smart.” Hezbollah is an Iranian-backed, Islamic group located in Lebanon and has called for the destruction of Israel.
The Journal’s editorial continued: “ . . . Trump can’t help himself from making everything about himself. That’s the same way he handled the Covid crisis, and it’s what voters would get in a second Trump term in a much more dangerous world.”
The Journal, a conservative newspaper editorially, is not the equivalent of MSNBC, which, for years, has been highly critical of Trump.
Nor is the Journal a replica of CNN, which has been accused of anti-Trump bias.
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican, who is now running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, told CNN: “He’s [Trump’s] a fool.”
Trump was first elected president of the United States in 2016. He won the Electoral College vote but lost the popular vote. In 2020, Trump lost the presidency to Joe Biden.
Trump is a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Other Republican presidential candidates showed up for two recent debates. Trump was absent both times.
Trump is 77 years old. In November 2023, Biden will turn 81.
In addition to his anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism Trump, as president, was ambivalent about supporting America’s allies in Europe and Asia.
Israel was founded in May 1948. To keep its independence, Israel has had to fight many wars.
The Roman Empire destroyed Biblical Israel in 70 AD (70 CE). In 70 A.D., many Jews in Biblical Israel had to flee to countries in Asia Minor, North Africa, and Europe. The Jews who left Biblical Israel encountered vicious anti-Semitism on their new locations. Beginning in the 1600’s and through today, many Jews entered America (or the land that became America), where religious liberty was part of the nation’s Constitution.
America does not need an anti-Zionist and an anti-Semite as president of the United States. This does not mean that American voters should select a Democrat to replace Trump.
But Americans should not elect Trump for any public office -– now or in the future.
OK! Richard Colman is a Trump hater. He will be spewing out more hate Trump views as we get closer to the election. Thank God for the delete button.
richard colman has self diagnosed TDS and obviously is ignorant of recent history as the rest of the civilized world knows DJT did more for Israel and peace in the region than any president in our Country’s history.
Richard Colman greatly oversimplifies the realities of Donald Trump. Who is next in line to run for President?
No one comes close! Certainly not Colman’s apparent darling, Chris Christy.
Colman’s thumb nail history of the Jewish people and state ie woefully inadequate. In his extreme brevity, Colman has said essentially nothing.
Why is Colman allotted space for his anti- Trumpism? I strongly support the expression of free speech, but Colman brings nothing except a juvenile attitude used by all the haters. Go ahead, continue to give Colman time and space to promote his leftest bias; it’s up to me to pick and choose.
That is free expression.
There are a lot of EVIL people who are smart.
Calling an evil person smart is not the same as calling them good.
For the folks suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, please give it a rest. Maybe check yourselves into the Betty Ford Clinic or start a club like Alcoholics Anonymous.
This article makes no sense. Why was it published in CPR? An attempt to be “fair and balanced?” Please don’t waste my time with tripe like this.
Ditto to all of the above.
Steve Frank / California Political Review is, for the most part, an outstanding online publication but this guy, Coleman, is a continuous stain on the site. Get COLEMAN OFF THIS SITE, please. He’s a Donald Trump (and by extension, small gov’t Constitutionalist) hater and I do mean hater! It seems that Coleman’s comments are on CAPolitical, daily. Give this guy a boot!
I agree with these replies…they say it best…enough already of Coleman’s news and views. It’s not like we don’t hear the corrupt left’s opinions daily on the ” unbiased news reports” that helps to support the Democrat Marxist/Communist agenda into minds of uneducated Americans + etc. etc. etc. (the sheep that believe everything they read …as the real truth!) If only a real politician (that believes in our Constitution and Bill of Rights) would stand up and challenge these Marxist/Communist spoke persons. I can only dream.