(Full Disclosure: I walked precincts for Nixon in 1960, on his speaker’s bureau in 1962 and State Chair Youth for Nixon for President in 1968—and he appointed me to the Youth Advisory Conference in 1969)
Ricard Nixon may have been one of the brightest people serving as President since Jefferson—but was also the most insecure person in the history of the White House. Today we have a confident Trump, a vigorous Vivek, a bright Tim Scott and others very capable of leading our nation. Just because Biden and the Democrats act like Fascists, trying to criminalize free speech does not mean that Trump is not the best candidate for President.
The performance of Biden in Maui, falling asleep during a presentation, telling BIG lie about a house burning down, when it was just a kitchen fire and his inability to move without assistance, shows the real state of the Democrat Party—who can they replace him with—the destroyer of California, Gavin Newsom?
Do we want the architect of prosperity and security we had for four years—or do we want the destruction of the economy, freedom and the Biden’s, owned by oligarchs and China?

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/24/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
When Richard Nixon ran for president in 1968, a slogan accompanied his campaign: “He’s tanned. He’s rested. He’s ready.”
On Aug. 8, 1968, Nixon gave a powerful speech in which he accepted the Republican Party’s nomination for president. At the time Nixon spoke, America had about 500,000 troops deployed to fight a war in Vietnam.
In his speech, Nixon said, “America is in trouble today not because her people have failed but because her leaders have failed.”
Nixon continued: “When the strongest nation in the world can be tied down for four years in a war in Vietnam with no end in sight . . . then it’s time for new leadership for the United States of America.”
Nixon also said: “As we look at America, we see cities enveloped in smoke and flame. We hear sirens in the night. . . We see Americans hating each other, fighting each other, killing each other . . .”
In 1973, during Nixon’s presidency, the war in Vietnam ended. The ending was neither prompt nor elegant.
Prior to 1968, Nixon had been a U.S. congressman, a senator, and vice president.
In 1968, Nixon appeared to be tanned, rested, and ready for the presidency.
Today, America has, in its two major political parties, candidates who may -– or may not -– be tanned. rested, and ready.
One candidate, Donald Trump, a Republican, has been indicted four times. When he was president from 2017 to 2021, there was racial violence. On Jan. 6, 2021, while Trump was still president, thousands of protestors stormed the U.S. Capitol. Lives were lost. Damage to the capitol building was widespread. Before the rioting, Trump addressed the protestors and may have incited their subsequent violence.
Trump, before, during, and after his presidency, had, and still has, a habit of insulting Republicans, Democrats, and foreign leaders.
Following Trump’s administration was the presidency of Joseph Biden, a Democrat. During Biden’s administration, the American people have experienced high inflation, a deluge of illegal aliens crossing America’s southern border, and high levels of crime.
Nixon’s presidency ended in disgrace and resignation in 1974.
Despite the challenges Nixon faced as president, he may have been correct when, in his 1968 acceptance speech, he said, “America is in trouble today not because her people have failed but because her leaders have failed.”
Today’s leaders, Trump and Biden, are too old to be president.
Americans should ask if the nation’s current leaders have failed us.