The current war in Israel and Gaza seems to be the final war.  Hamas has made it clear they will wipe out every Jew on the globe.  Israel has made it clear they will wipe out every Hamas member.  This time I believe both of them, as to their intentions.

At the end of the day, even without the real support of the demented Biden, Israel will end the Hamas threat—and show Iran, Syria and Lebanon hey are next if they continue t harass Israel and Jews.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/30/23  

Israel, which was brutally attacked by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, 2023, must be a nation that lasts forever.

The Hamas terrorists invaded Israel by land, sea, and air.  They killed about 1,400 Israeli citizens and took hostages, most of whom are Israelis.  Hamas occupies the Gaza Strip, land near southern Israel.  Hamas is predominantly Muslim.

The inhabitants of Israel must do whatever it takes to survive in their homeland.

Biblical Israel (or Ancient Israel) was attacked by the Roman Empire in 70 A.D. (70 C.E.).  Most of the Jews in Biblical Israel had to flee, going to such places as Europe, Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and Europe.

Modern Israel occupies the same basic territory as Biblical Israel.

For 2,000 years, the Jews living in exile were treated miserably, often killed in their new surroundings.

If Greeks and Armenians can have a homeland, why can’t the Jews?

Modern Israel has a first-class economy.  Near Tel Aviv, Israel, is the equivalent of a Jewish Silicon Valley.  Israel has taken worthless land and made a prosperous nation for its people.  In agriculture, Israel has developed irrigation techniques that lower demand for water, a precious commodity in an area of little rainfall.

The Arab nations near Israel are stuck with inadequate economies.  The residents of these nations are poor and often malnourished.

Modern Israel was created in May 1948.  Since Israel’s creation, Israel has had to fight many wars to hold onto its country.

The United States must support Israel during a time that the Jewish state, again, has to fight for its survival.  In the Middle East, Israel is the only democracy.  There are also important commercial and military ties between Israel and the U.S.

Sometimes, the United States has seemed ambivalent towards Israel.  Nonetheless, the United States has a firm ally in Israel.  That alliance must be preserved.

Some elements in Western, democratic countries are opposed to Israel.  Some of these elements often support left-wing causes, calling Israel an imperialist, aggressor state that seeks to destroy nearby Moslem nations.

The Jews now living in Israel, must protect their nation.  Modern Israel came into existence after Jews living elsewhere — with a few exceptions like America and Canada — experienced severe persecution.

In 1897, a Jew, Theodor Herzl from Austria-Hungry, proposed that Jews return to their ancient homeland and live in a Jewish nation.  Herzl was a journalist and a political activist.  Herzl proposed that Jews form a new nation in what was once called Palestine.  Palestine was in the region that is now largely occupied by present-day Israel.

To help achieve his goal, Herzl convened the First Jewish Congress in Basel, Switzerland.  Herzl proposed the re-establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.  The idea of having a Jewish state in Palestine is called Zionism.

After centuries of persecution, the Jews now have a homeland.

Despite any criticism, modern Israel must survive forever.

The Jews have earned and deserve their own nation.