Our California campuses and even in elementary school, the modern Nazi Party, the Hamas chapter, is working full time to denigrate Jews and America.  We have seen kidnapping, assaults, bullying and riots on college campuses as if this was 1937 Nazi Germany—and the educrats, by their silence and inaction show support of this bigotry and hatred.

When will the DOJ start arresting these haters as terrorists, for hate crimes?  When will school boards and Boards of Trustees fire the Nazi’s on campus and in the classroom?  We are facing violence on our campuses and streets, yet are silent—like “good” Germans” and you saw what they brought on.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/4/24

Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass) has come to California.

On the night of Nov. 9-10, 1938, Nazis and Nazi sympathizers attacked Jews and Jewish businesses in Germany and Austria.  Jews were maimed and killed.  Jewish businesses were burned.  Synagogues were destroyed.  Jews were sent to concentration camps.

On Feb. 25, 2024, anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist protesters, according to the Jewish News of Northern California, “assaulted Jewish students in an attempt to stop an Israeli speaker.”  The incident took place on the Berkeley campus of the University of California.  Glass was shattered.  An Jewish individual was hospitalized.

Who would have thought that anti-Semitism would occur in California and other parts of the United States?

Any person associated with the destruction of property or the harming of individuals at Berkeley, must be held accountable.  Any such person must be, if a student, suspended or expelled from the university.  In addition, any person convicted of a crime associated with the Berkeley matter must be punished.

America is a free country.  Specifically, the nation allows freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of worship, and freedom of assembly.  But America cannot –- must not –- allow criminals to harm individuals and to destroy property.

On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas, a radical Palestinian organization located in the Gaza Strip, brutally killed and attacked Jews.  Between 1,200 and 1,400 Jews (Israeli and American) were killed.  Other Jews were taken hostage.

After the October attack, the Israeli Defense Forces attacked Hamas’ people and buildings in Gaza.

Soft-headed individuals are blaming Israelis for the suffering in Gaza.  Why aren’t these same individuals blaming Hamas for its destruction of the lives and property of Jews?

America is supposed to be a bastion of tolerance and of respect for the law.  If America turns into an anti-Semitic state, Jews and others must oppose any intolerance.

For centuries, Jews were persecuted in Europe, Africa, and Asia.  America was and is supposed to be free of anti-Semitic (and other) prejudice.

The present time calls for all Americans to support freedom and democracy for all Americans — Jewish and non-Jewish.