The Biden administration opens the borders to criminals from foreign nations, drug dealers, human sex traffickers, terrorists and in general, bad people. Yet his anti-Semitism is showing, he refuses to allow Israeli Jews into the nation, to work. Yet, he is giving welfare, housing, food, education and health care to illegal aliens—he continues the anti-Israel policies of Obama. Sadly, American Jews continue to support the hate Jew policy of Biden and the Democrats.
“If the United States can let thousands, perhaps millions, of illegal aliens enter the country, then the U.S. can and should admit as many Jewish Israelis as soon as possible.
In America, Jews from Israel, like other people living in America, would have freedom of worship. Freedom of worship is guaranteed in the American Constitution.
The phrase, “Let my people go,” would take on new meaning if America opened its borders to Israeli Jews.”
By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 8/2/23

Enslaved by an Egyptian Pharaoh millennia ago, the Jewish people wanted freedom.
The phrase, “Let my people go,” is contained in the Bible, the Book of Exodus 5:1.
The Pharaoh is not just some tyrant of a long time ago.
The Pharaoh is Israel’s current, authoritarian prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his ultra-nationalist coalition that governs Israel.
In July 2023, Netanyahu and his parliamentary colleagues voted to curb the power of Israeli courts.
In recent months, many thousands of Israelis have protested Netanyahu’s plans for overhauling Israel’s governmental structure.
On July 28, 2023, The New York Times carried an article reporting, “In recent months, Mr. Netanyahu has put an ultranationalist, who has been convicted of inciting anti-Arab racism in charge of national security, taken steps to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank and initiated an overhaul of the judicial system, angering secular Israeli Jews . . .”
There is talk that Jewish Israelis are looking for a new country in which to live. There are reports that Israeli Jews are trying to obtain passports issued by another nation and are trying to take money out of Israeli banks.
What can be done?
An intelligent answer is for the United States to invite disaffected Jewish Israelis to live and work in America. In addition, America should offer these Israelis a pathway to American citizenship.
This plan can bring huge benefits.
Israelis are a well-educated, accomplished people. Many of them speak fluent English, a subject required in Israeli schools.
When it comes to solving problems associated with a lack of water in America, the transition to electric vehicles, and stopping global warming, Israeli scientists and engineers can make huge contributions.
Just outside Tel Aviv, Israel, is an Israeli version of Silicon Valley.
Only 2.4 percent of Americans are Jewish. This is a small percentage compared to other groups residing in America.
Despite this seemingly small percentage, the U.S. has the world’s second largest Jewish population. Only Israel has more Jews than America.
The Jewish population of Israel is 6.9 million. Jews in the United States number 5.7 million.
If the United States can let thousands, perhaps millions, of illegal aliens enter the country, then the U.S. can and should admit as many Jewish Israelis as soon as possible.
In America, Jews from Israel, like other people living in America, would have freedom of worship. Freedom of worship is guaranteed in the American Constitution.
The phrase, “Let my people go,” would take on new meaning if America opened its borders to Israeli Jews.
The dividends of a policy allowing Israeli Jews to live and work in America would be huge.