Dr. Colman is right; we need a mensch in Washington. Some have said we need an adult in Washington. In any language it is the same. Currently we have a Chinese Communist Party owned, demented head of the Biden Crime Family in the White House. The Speaker is the daughter if a former Mayor of Baltimore, who was openly owned by the Mafia. In the Senate you have Schumer, a Tammany Hall hack politician owned by racists, special interests and radicals.
Any of suggest the Mensch of Washington—the Adult in the room. That will be the only way to save America from the Fascist Regime.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 9/9/22
What is a “mensch?” In German or Yiddish, a mensch can mean a gentleman or a man who takes charge of significant developments.
America needs a mensch. The nation does not currently have one.
Winston Churchill was a mensch. George Washington was also a mensch. So was Franklin Roosevelt. And don’t forget Ronald Reagan.
Looking at America’s political landscape, we see a dearth of menschen (plural of mensch).
Take Donald Trump. All he does is complain about how the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Trump acts like a spoiled brat. If he wants to be president again, he ought to give us his views on inflation, energy, and the food supply. He should give Americans his plans for containing Chinese imperialism.
Joe Biden is no better. He tries to satisfy different ethnic groups by making special appointments for cabinet positions and other Executive Branch jobs. He spends money recklessly and cannot control inflation.
In California, there is Gov. Gavin Newsom, who believes that the state, by 2035, can make the transition from gasoline-powered cars to all-electric vehicles. Over the Labor Day 2022 period, California has had a heat wave, and there is not enough electricity now. Electric companies cannot meet the current demand. What will happen when California converts to all-electric vehicles? Has Newsom thought about the fact that the manufacturing of electric vehicles requires the importation of substances from foreign countries, many of which do not have stable governments and could embargo the export of essential goods?
The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, a Republican, is very interested in punishing people who assist a woman who wants an abortion. For example, under Texas law, a taxi driver who takes a woman to a hospital can be sued for up to $10,000 for possibly aiding a crime. In recent months, Texas has made abortion illegal after six weeks of pregnancy. Why should a taxi driver be liable for a lawsuit, especially if the taxi driver is ignorant of why the woman passenger wanted to go to the hospital?
In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis, also a Republican, wants to control what is said to pupils –- from kindergarten to third grade — about certain sexual behaviors like homosexuality. Doesn’t Gov. DeSantis have enough to do without getting involved in issues relating to freedom of speech? Let the local community determine standards of speech.
When Biden was creating his cabinet, he came in for criticism from certain Democrats. These Democrats argued that Biden was appointing too many Caucasians to work for him. Among these Caucasians are Merrick Garland, attorney general, Janet Yellen, secretary of the treasury, Anthony Blinken, secretary of state, and Ron Klain, chief of staff. Someone should point out that these four people are Jewish. For years, in America and in foreign countries, Jews were and are the targets of discrimination. No discrimination against Jews is acceptable.
America is dangerously off course. Republicans seem more interested in punishing people, and Democrats think that, in matters of hiring and school admissions, diversity is more important than merit.
America really needs a mensch, someone who can be a real man (or woman) and not be compromised by political, dwarf-like thinking.
We Americans need fewer regulations on human behavior, not more.