The 2024 election was transformational.  Imagine a former Democrat Congresswoman campaigned for Trump.  Hispanics voted by an additional 14% for Trump for President.  A KENNEDY, campaigned for Trump.  Harris said she would put a Republican in her Cabinet.  Trump is PUTTING a Democrat in his Cabinet.

For many years RFK Jr. has been fighting for healthy foods, an honest FDA, CDC and HHS.  He would have stopped the openly corrupt Fascist Fauci—who lied to us about masks, vaccines, social distancing and the closing of churches, businesses and schools.

The current HHS Secretary is Xavier Berrera.  His qualifications?  As California Attorney General of California, he sued drug companies.  No one complained about his lack of qualifications?  Yes, RFK has been willing to sue drug companies—and the government for fraud, corruption and abuse of position.

It will be interesting to see the double standard of the Democrats on this appointment.  It is true, like other Trump nominees, RFK is not a government insider.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/19/24

Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) qualified to be head of the federal department of Health and Human Services (HHS)?

The U.S. Senate group considering Kennedy’s nomination to be HHS secretary should ask him if he supports the vaccines developed to prevent polio, smallpox, and shingles.  RFK Jr. has a history of criticizing vaccines.

RFK Jr. is the nephew of the late president John F. Kennedy, a Democrat who was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.

RFK Jr. is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, a former U.S. attorney general and, until assassinated in June 1968, was a senator representing New York State.  When killed, he was running for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States.

The Senate group investigating RFK Jr. should ask him what he meant when, in 2023, he said that COVID, the disease related to infection by the coronavirus, had been “ethnically targeted” to avoid Ashkenazic Jews and Chinese.

According to the Jewish News Weekly of Northern California, RFK Jr. said:  “Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in the attic like Anne Frank did . . .  He also has a history of using the word ‘holocaust’ to refer to vaccine policies.”  “Holocaust” is a term to refer to Hitler’s extermination of six million European Jews.

Kennedy does not have a scientific background.  He is a lawyer.  He has repeatedly criticized the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which the head of HHS supervises.

Kennedy has complained about the typical American diet, calling it nutritionally unsound.

When dealing with HHS, the head of the department should have some familiarity with science.  Lack of knowledge of science could easily make the head of HHS dependent on HHS bureaucrats.  President-elect Donald Trump has clearly stated his dislike of the federal bureaucracy, sometimes called the “deep state.”

At his Senate confirmation hearing (if there is one), Kennedy should be asked two questions:

(1)   What is a double-blind study?

(2)   What is the Null Hypothesis?

According to Wikipedia, the internet encyclopedia: “A double-blind study is a clinical trial where neither the participants nor the researchers know which treatment a participant is receiving until the trial is over.  This type of study is considered the gold standard for validating treatment interventions because it minimizes the risk of bias.”

The Null Hypothesis is used to measure the effectiveness of a given treatment.  The Null Hypothesis can be semantically confusing. 

The Null Hypothesis says that there is no difference between a group receiving a given treatment and a group not receiving the treatment.  In scientific research, the protocol is to see if the Null Hypothesis can be rejected.  If, with 95% or greater statistical confidence, the Null Hypothesis can be rejected, then the treatment being considered is deemed valid.

Perhaps Kennedy might not know anything about double-blind studies or the Null Hypothesis.  But scientists at the FDA and scientists working at other parts of HHS are certainly knowledgeable of the two phenomena.

There is no way to know how Kennedy, if confirmed to be head of HHS, will do his job properly.

However, he should have respect for scientific endeavor.  Failure to have such respect, could jeopardize the health of Americans.

(Note:  Your columnist is a scientist (biochemist) who received his doctoral degree at the University of California, Berkeley.  Currently, he is chairman of a biotechnology and informatics firm and a scientific publishing company.)