In 2020 the UAW endorsed Joe Biden for President. They got their reward—he gave the nation an EV mandate, forcing people to give up reliable affordable cars for unreliable, very expensive cars. In all it will cost the UAW 400,000 bribe paying members. Let us be clear. Also part of the problem is that new robotic technology is also the cause. As robotics grow and EV’ s continues to be produced by NON union workers, companies like TESLA have a bid advantage., while TESLA is making a fortune y producing only EV’s, Ford loses $60,000 on every EV they produce.
“According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurial capitalism creates new technologies that make existing or old technologies obsolete.
The Big Three automakers are bound by excessive schedules for pay and benefits. Also, the UAW has resisted innovation and has embraced work rules that hamper vehicle productivity.
In effect, the Big Three are dinosaurs.”
The unions are fighting a losing battle—worse they are pricing themselves out of the market.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/22/23
The end is near for America’s Big Three auto-makers: General Motors; Ford; and Stellantis.
The strike by the United Auto Workers (UAW) union is only hastening the demise of the Big Three.
New, innovative auto manufacturing is badly needed. Any new manufacturing must embrace productivity-enhancing technology such as robotics and artificial intelligence.
The Big Three are relics of the 20th century. They resemble blacksmiths and typewriters.
In economics, the demise of the Big Three is called Creative Destruction.
The term Creative Destruction came from Joseph Schumpeter, who, in 1919, was the Finance Minister of Austria. Later, Schumpeter (1883–1950) became a professor of economics at Harvard University.
Schumpeter was influenced by many economists and philosophers, one of whom was Karl Marx. (Schumpeter did not agree with many of Marx’s ideas.)
According to Schumpeter, entrepreneurial capitalism creates new technologies that make existing or old technologies obsolete.
The Big Three automakers are bound by excessive schedules for pay and benefits. Also, the UAW has resisted innovation and has embraced work rules that hamper vehicle productivity.
In effect, the Big Three are dinosaurs.
The U.S. federal government must not use taxpayer dollars to bail out the Big Three. A federal bailout will only prolong the agony of keeping the Big Three alive.
There is a temptation to use federal dollars to help the Big Three. Many American jobs are at stake. The Biden administration is wrong to support the UAW.
Let the Big Three die. America will become a more prosperous nation if entrepreneurial capitalism can have its way.
The UAW is going to price themselves out of a job. They back a party that wants green energy and EVs. No one wants them. No one will buy them. So guess what. You will not need as many workers. And at the price they want to charge. No one can afford to buy them. So the plants here will close. And they will open new ones in Mexico.
If nothing changes we will be getting ALL our green energy products from CHINA. Including electric cars. China has ALL the manufacturing facilities, ALL the natural resources, ALL the mining and ALL the cheap/forced labor. The only reason they are not knocking on our door today is… WE are their biggest customer/source of revenue and they need the money.
The Biden Administration is slave to the fact that our president has been bought and is doing everything possible to give away our country, so he can live like a millionaire. He is just too stupid and senile to understand that he will be in the rice patties right alongside us when the CHICOM decides to take over.