This is an interesting proposal. I wish the pollsters would poll this, see if the people care who is President. Biden has proven we can get along without a President.
“Just think of the advantages of having no president. There would be no politically-charged appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. There would no movement to force people to buy electric vehicles. There would no one to sign legislation to provide financial assistance to people who should not be living or working in the United States.
Without a president, there would be no one to force Americans to obey directives to promote DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) in university admissions or in hiring.”
Just something to think about.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/7/23
Does America really need a president?
Since January 2017, when Donald Trump was inaugurated as president, America has not really had a president. Joe Biden, inaugurated in January 2021, is just a shadow of his former self.
Donald Trump promised to build a wall along America’s Southern border. There is no real wall.
Trump promised to kill off the Deep State (the federal bureaucracy). The Deep State is bigger and more powerful than ever.
After 6-1/2 years of Trump and Biden, the result is clear: America does not need a president –- at least for now.
Just think of the advantages of having no president. There would be no politically-charged appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. There would no movement to force people to buy electric vehicles. There would no one to sign legislation to provide financial assistance to people who should not be living or working in the United States.
Without a president, there would be no one to force Americans to obey directives to promote DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) in university admissions or in hiring.
Both Trump and Biden are too old to be president. In a way, an elderly president might be the equivalent to having no president at all.
Expanding on the idea of no president is the idea of having limited government or no government at all. Technically, one could side with the policies of Calvin Coolidge, whose basic idea of a president was to have the federal government defend the shores and deliver the mail.
To borrow some words from an Irving Berlin song: “There’s no government like no government.”
An alternative to having no president is having a triumvirate: rule by three people. Ancient Rome was ruled by a triumvirate from 60 BC to 54 BC. One member of the Roman triumvirate was Julius Caesar.
For some advocates of limited government, government should do three things: defend America if it is attacked; protect private property; and establish a court system to settle disputes.
Why stay awake at night worrying that Trump might end democracy or that Biden might impose a socialist system?
Without Trump of Biden, America will do what it has always done: muddle along.
What? A UK style of government? Who would be the leader? The majority leader of the Senate or the Speaker of the House? Probably the Speaker! Same corruption, just coming from a different chair!
If Biden proves anything it’s that the Swamp is and would run the country in this scenario. Unnamed, faceless, unelected, undismissable bureaucrats who whisper in ears and control the information flow to the masses and country. Might as well take language classes to learn how to speak Chinese and Russian for when they take over.
“One member of the Roman triumvirate was Julius Caesar.”
And how did that work out for him?
Let’s hope we have no Brutus waiting for his chance to interfere with the election.
Well, John Hinkley has been released from prison……and there are others out there.