This is good news. AOC, Sanders, Pelosi and their friends are so far into socialism and communism that good Democrats are leery of the results—high unemployment, inflation, lack of jobs, government control of businesses, families and housing.
“The latest flare-up involves Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) who apologized for voting “present” — instead of “yes” or “no” — on a $1 billion Congressional plan to support Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.
Israel has been using the Iron Dome system to shoot down missiles coming from Israel’s enemies.
By a vote of 420 to 9, the House of Representatives, on Sept. 23, 2021, approved a plan to support Israel’s Iron Dome system.
Ocasio-Cortez is a member of a Democratic House group known as the Squad. The Squad is known for opposing military aid destined for Israel.
At some point the Jew hating of the Progressives are going to backlash on the Democrats. Could this happen in 2022?

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/15/21
A group of left-wing — so-called progressive — Democrats are attempting to wreck their party.
The latest flare-up involves Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) who apologized for voting “present” — instead of “yes” or “no” — on a $1 billion Congressional plan to support Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.
Israel has been using the Iron Dome system to shoot down missiles coming from Israel’s enemies.
By a vote of 420 to 9, the House of Representatives, on Sept. 23, 2021, approved a plan to support Israel’s Iron Dome system.
Ocasio-Cortez is a member of a Democratic House group known as the Squad. The Squad is known for opposing military aid destined for Israel.
In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, the Squad’s other members are Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota), Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan), and Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts).
After voting “present,” Ocasio-Cortex was seen weeping on the House floor. She had switched her vote from “no” (a vote opposing the Iron Dome) to “present.”
In Congress, the Republican Party is basically united in its support for Israel. The Democrats differ on the matter of providing assistance to Israel.
In a letter dated Sept. 24, 2021, Ocasio-Cortex, according to The New York Times (Sept. 24, 2021), ” . . . told her constituents that she opposed the [Iron Dome] funding, citing ‘persistent human rights abuses against the Palestinian people.’ “
For many years, Israel has been a staunch ally of the United States. In recent times, Israel has become world leader in such areas as artificial intelligence, robotics, biomedicine, and Big Data (the kind of work that firms like Google and Amazon do).
Geographically, Israel is a small country, about the size of New Jersey. Israel’s population is currently 8.7 million. About three-quarters of the population is Jewish.
In Israel, there are 1.9 million Arabs. The fastest growing segment of Israel’s population is Muslim.
Ocasio-Cortez’s Congressional district includes The Bronx and Queens in New York City. The district has a significant Jewish population.
Over the last 100 years, Jewish Americans have overwhelmingly supported Democratic candidates for president of the U.S. According to the National Jewish Democratic Council, American Jews contribute significant amounts of money to the Democratic Party.
In another area, the Squad is making passage of President Joseph Biden’s infrastructure plan and his plan to provide aid for medical care, higher education, child care, and pre-school.
Biden’s legislative agenda is reminiscent of social-welfare bills signed into law by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. If Biden fails to get his agenda passed, he will presumably have accomplished very little as president.
If Biden fails to achieve his legislative goals, the Republicans, especially former Republican President Donald Trump, will be able to criticize Biden severely if Biden seeks a second presidential term in 2024.
In effect, the Squad and other members of the progressive Congressional Democratic caucus, will, if they successfully block Biden’s goals, have achieved something they despise: giving Trump a second term in the White House.