The way to freedom is via prosperity. The way to slavery is via government control of our lives and businesses. Do we want a free society or one in which government owns us?
“Americans aren’t earning enough money. They face high taxes, outrageous costs for higher education, and overregulation of business. Most Americans do not have enough money for a sound retirement. A family of four people cannot save any money if family income is at or below $200,000 a year.
Abortion is controversial. Why not stop mentioning it? A bigger paycheck should trump all other issues.
Illegal immigration brings millions of people into the United States -– people who do not belong in the U.S. The federal government should buy up a plot of land outside of America’s borders and put any illegal aliens onto the plot until and unless they qualify for legal entry into America. All this illegal immigration lowers American wages.
Abortion, and social issues are very important. But to most Americans, money, crime and education are the issues they care about most. While I have no problem discussing my views on social issues, I want to win elections. To do that we need to discuss the issues people live with on a daily basis—my guiding light is that for a campaign you talk about economic and children. To win votes you need to show the public you are protecting their money and their kids.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 4/17/23
Americans need to start talking about prosperity. That is the best advice that can be given to America’s two major political parties: the Republicans and the Democrats.
Over the last few years, the two parties have been talking about abortion, book-banning, and immigration. The two parties are also talking about DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). While these issues are important, the best pathway to political success is offer plans to raise the American standard of living.
Americans aren’t earning enough money. They face high taxes, outrageous costs for higher education, and overregulation of business. Most Americans do not have enough money for a sound retirement. A family of four people cannot save any money if family income is at or below $200,000 a year.
Abortion is controversial. Why not stop mentioning it? A bigger paycheck should trump all other issues.
Illegal immigration brings millions of people into the United States -– people who do not belong in the U.S. The federal government should buy up a plot of land outside of America’s borders and put any illegal aliens onto the plot until and unless they qualify for legal entry into America. All this illegal immigration lowers American wages.
DEI does not use merit in the consideration of university admissions and in job hiring. The time to eliminate DEI is now.
Excessive regulation hinders job creation. The more forms that a firm has to complete leads to a loss of productivity. Some firms are hiring DEI vice presidents to make sure DEI criteria are met. These DEI personnel should be fired.
As for crime, this should be the responsibility of local government. If federal help is needed a non-controversial Federal Bureau of Investigation can assist in stopping crime.
Currently, crime is too high. Often gun-toting criminals are young hoodlums. Perhaps the laws applying to the purchase of alcohol could help reduce gun violence among young hoodlums. If age 21 is appropriate for buying alcohol, perhaps age 21 should apply to gun purchases. Background checks on certain gun-buyers might help reduce crime. In no cases, should gun purchases be restricted to the vast majority of Americans who want firearms for self-defense and for hunting.
Just think of how attractive saying “double your money in five years” would go over with most Americans.
In the 1950’s, Dwight Eisenhower ran for president under the slogan, “Peace, Progress, and Prosperity.” The slogan worked. In 1952 and 1956, Eisenhower won two landsides in his presidential campaigns.
Eisenhower ended the Korean War, which ran from 1950 to 1953. The year 1953 was Eisenhower’s first year as president. Until he left office in 1961, America did not have any wars.
During the Eisenhower years, there were three economic recessions. Two of them (1953 and 1960) were mild. The 1957-58 recession was more severe.
Nonetheless, America became more prosperous during most of the Eisenhower years. Inflation was negligible.
What worked for Eisenhower should work again.
So let’s stop talking about cultural and social issues, and simply talk about prosperity and peace.