Financial freedom is the goal.  Lower taxes, school choice, fewer wars, use of tariffs to control foreign government subsidizing businesses to kill off American businesses.  Currency that is controlled by the people, not the government.  Ending the radical censorship of the social media and the radical cable stations, newspapers and even schools where free market, free speech teachers and professors can not be hired.  How about free thought on campuses.

It no longer matters about abortion and same sex marriage—the courts have ruled.  What is wrong protecting children from mutilation?

Phyllis Schafly once said, “Every dollar of taxation is a dollar less of freedom.”  Vance is on the side of economic freedom.  The courts have ruled on the social issues—while government controls the economic issues.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  7/26/24

In his first inaugural address as president (on January 20, 1981), Ronald Reagan warned us.

He said, “. . . government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

Now, about 44 years later, we find that Reagan was correct.

And what is the problem about which Reagan warned us?

The problem is that government –- on the part of both the Republican Party or the Democratic Party –- has been denying us liberties that Americans cherish.

To see the influence of government on the Republican Party, Americans need to be familiar with the ideas and policies of Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), who, at the 2024 Republican National Convention, was the party’s nominee for vice president.  At this convention, the nominee for president is former President Donald Trump, who served as president from 2017 to 2021.

According to Wikipedia, the online information service, “On social issues Vance has promoted strongly conservative policies, opposing abortion, same-sex marriage, and gun control and has proposed banning transgender health care for minors.  He differs from mainstream Republican views on market intervention, taxes, the  minimum wage, unionization, tariffs, and antitrust policy, while opposing American military aid to Ukraine.”

And there is more.  Recently, on television, Vance criticized couples who don’t have children.  Curiously, America’s first president, George Washington, did not have any children.

Vance has also criticized no-fault divorce, something that Reagan, as governor of California, signed into state law in 1970.  According to the Legal Dictionary, “A no fault divorce is one in which neither spouse places blame on the other for the demise of the  marriage.  The couple seeking a no fault divorce merely has to assert that they are incompatible, or that irreconcilable differences exist.”

Under Vance’s policies, government asserts more and more control over Americans’ lives.

In Vance’s view, government could have the power like that of a theocrat.  Think of the government of Iran.

Vance has a beard.  One has to consider that Vance, as a politician, might want to ban beards -– or require men — to have beards.

Vance’s wife, Usha, is of Indian ancestry and observes Hinduism.  Perhaps Vance would want to ban marriages in which a traditional white person is prohibited from marrying a person of color.

No one knows what Vance might do if he becomes president.

But one thing is certain:  Vance, like his boss Trump, sees government as a tool to control human behavior.

Whatever happened to Reagan’s view that government is the problem?

One thought on “Colman: REAGAN WARNED US

  1. What happened to Regan’s view that government is the problem? The Democrats and so called journalists usurped the view and became the problem.

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