We can all speculate who Trump will select as VP nominee.

If I had wishful speculation, I would say Congresswoman Greene has as much chance of being selected, as my first choice for Biden to be selected as his VP—AOC.

Biden/AOC==Finish the Destruction


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/21/24

When Ronald Reagan needed a running mate in 1980, he chose the candidate, who, during the Republican presidential primaries, was his main rival, George H.W. Bush (Bush Sr.).

Reagan was smart.  Reagan managed to unify the Republican party.

Reagan represented the conservative, free-market wing of the Republican Party.  George H.W. Bush represented a more established, traditional aspect of the party.

In the 1980 election, the Reagan-Bush ticket won by a landslide.   In the Electoral College, Reagan-Bush received 489 electoral votes.  President Jimmy Carter, a Democratic incumbent, obtained 49 electoral votes.

Now, 44 years later, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has to find a running mate.  In certain media circles, there is talk that Nikki Haley (R-South Carolina), a former governor of South Carolina and a former American ambassador to the United Nations, would help unify the Republican party. In 2024, Haley entered Republican presidential primaries.  She won two primaries and, later, suspended her campaign.

On average, Haley, in all the 2024 Republican presidential primaries, received about 20 percent of the vote.

Haley would be unwise to accept the second spot on a Trump ticket.  During the 2024 primaries, Trump called Haley a “birdbrain.”  Trump wants someone who would be totally loyal to him.  As of May 17, 2024, Haley has not even endorsed Trump for president.  Trump is the presumed Republican nominee for president.

So whom should Trump pick?

The answer is someone who can provide Trump with a high degree of ideological compatibility.

And who is that possible running mate? 

The answer is Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia).  Sometimes people refer to Greene by her initials, MTG.

What is so special about Greene, who was first elected to Congress in 2020?

Greene, according to the internet website, Wikipedia, has been “a vocal advocate of former president Donald Trump.  Greene aided and supported Trumps attempts to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election and has promoted Trump’s false claims of a stolen election . . . Days after [Joe] Biden’s election Greene filed articles of impeachment alleging [Biden’s] abuse of power.”

Wikipedia has more to say about Greene:  “Green has promoted antisemitic and white supremacist views . . . She has amplified conspiracy theories that allege government involvement in mass shootings in the United States . . . As a congresswoman, she equated the Democratic Party with Nazis . . . During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greene promoted Russian propaganda and praised Vladimir Putin.  Greene identifies as a Christian nationalist.”

Greene, like Trump, has been accused of adolescent, ill-tempered behavior.

No one can be sure to what extent, if any, Trump agrees with Greene. 

Moreover, it is unclear if a Trump-Greene ticket will unify the Republican Party.  Recently, Greene tried to oust Congressman Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) as speaker of the House of Representatives. 

Johnson’s predecessor, Kevin McCarthy (R-California), needed, about six months ago, 15 ballots to be elected speaker.  After the struggle over the 15 ballots, McCarthy resigned from Congress. 

After becoming speaker, Johnson had to work with House Democrats to pass legislation.  Johnson’s cooperation with Democrats has angered many House Republicans.

There appear to be large areas of agreement between Trump and Greene.

If Trump nominates Greene to be his running mate, Greene could -– or could not — damage Trump’s chances to be re-elected as president.

To date, Trump has not disavowed many or most of Greene’s claims.

If a Trump-Greene Republican ticket loses in 2024, no one should be surprised. 

Alternatively, no one should be surprised if a Trump-Greene ticket wins in 2024.

One thought on “Colman: RUNNING-MATE SPECULATION

  1. This is though. There is no prominate Republican except for Abbott or Desantis that Trump should consider.

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