My only disagreement with Dr. Colman is the title. He says we are slouching toward Fascism. I believe we are running at full speed toward fascism—in our schools, media, government. Indeed, the demented Joe Biden announced he is no longer listening to the Supreme Court and HE will make the killing of babies legal, nationally—no need for a Court to decide. He has decided we must go into poverty, have no cars, expensive food and higher taxes. He has deiced that our government schools should become gulags of indoctrination for fascism bigotry and hate.
Our media has hid the treason of the Biden family, being purchased by the Communist Chinese—and President Biden turning over our jobs, manufacturing drugs and safety to the slave/terrorist nation of China. All of this in just 18 months. That is not slouching, that is running.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 7/13/22
America is supposed to be a free country. That may not be true anymore.
Aspects of America are slouching toward fascism.
There are warning signs. Prayer at public-school athletic events is, according to a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, now permissible.
The High Court did not place limits on public-school prayer, which could mean that such prayer might be related to a certain religion, such as Christianity. Why should non-Christians, like Jews, be paying taxes for Christian prayer? Government and religion should be totally separate.
Abortion, once legally available nationwide, is or soon will be restricted or prohibited in about half the states.
On June 24, 2022, the High Court overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which made abortion legal all over America. The elimination of Roe means that individual states are free to restrict, ban, or permit abortion.
Government, using the power of the Internal Revenue Service, is auditing citizens who have opposed certain government policies.
Fascism, meaning control of personal behavior and of America’s economy is not new.
Since 1913, the role of the federal government has been expanding. In that year, America got the federal income tax. Also, in 1913, the Federal Reserve was created. Known informally as the Fed, that body has the power to set interest rates and print money. Printing money improperly can produce depressions or inflation.
In 1935, Social Security became law. Social Security takes a percentage of a worker’s wages and uses the money to provide retirement funds. Today, 6.2 percent of a worker’s wages go for Social Security. The boss must match that 6.2 percent.
As of Jan. 1, 2022, Social Security contributions are taxable up to $147,000 in wage income. Social Security does not tax such non-wage income as interest and dividends.
In 1965, Medicare became law. There is no wage ceiling on Medicare, which takes 1.45 percent of a worker’s wages. The boss must match that 1.45 percent. Depending on one’s marital status, the Medicare tax on wages increases after wage income passes a certain level.
In 2010, nationwide health insurance became available to many Americans. The plan, known as the Affordable Care Act, is financially complicated. Many Americans do not understand the plan’s benefits.
One can argue that the ever-expanding role of government -– local, regional, state, and federal –- is taking away our money and our freedoms.
In addition, the federal government is spending taxpayers’ dollars recklessly. In 1981, the national debt reached $1 trillion. Today, that debt is over $30 trillion. What happens if the federal government, which borrows money to finance the debt, cannot pay its bills? The consequences of default are ominous and could result in higher taxes or what are called currency controls (or both).
Currency controls give the give the government power to close banks, halt exchanging American dollars for foreign money, and limit how much money a citizen can withdraw from a bank account.
Since the end of World War II, three presidential administrations showed fiscal responsibility. They were the administrations of Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and Bill Clinton. During each of these administrations, there were several balanced budgets.
In the case of Bill Clinton, he presided over four consecutive balanced budgets (from 1996 to 2000). Clinton even talked about paying off the national debt within 15 years after the end of his presidency, which terminated on Jan. 20, 2021.
Government has become too expensive and too authoritarian. America does not need government, at any level, to tell consenting adults how to behave and how much money citizens have to pay in taxes.
America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, is on its way to becoming an authoritarian state. If things don’t change, America will become a fascist state.