In 1973, seven unelected white men declared that black babies should die. Since then, 23 million black babies have been aborted. That to me is genocide, approved by government. That is the largest expansion of government ever—the permission to kill babies—in all over 60 million babies were aborted.
Since the Casey decision in the early 1990’s State government have been marginalizing abortions—but to do so means more programs, more regulations lots more lawsuits. The Dobbs case allows based on the Constitution, the States to determine their own policy on abortions. This does not end abortion. It allows States like California to create an abortion industry. It allows the State of Texas to use its money not for abortions but for social services for the babies that are born. That is what the Constitution is about—Federalism.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 6/28/22
Supporters of abortion -– and their opponents –- keep arguing about the best way to handle a woman’s wanted or unwanted pregnancy.
Essentially, one side wants abortion restricted or banned. The other side wants to keep the constitutional protections provided by Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision making abortion legal during the first two trimesters of pregnancy.
The simplest answer is to get government at all levels –- local, regional, state, and federal -– to stop making laws about abortion. Does government really have to get involved in an individual’s private matter?
Those opposed to abortion argue that the Constitution says nothing about abortion.
However, the Constitution says nothing about airplanes, yet the nation has airplanes.
The Constitution says nothing about computers, yet we have computers.
On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 Roe decision. Now, there is talk that the High Court may intrude in other matters of personal behavior. This talk centers on the court’s prohibiting same-sex marriage and the use of contraceptives.
In the area of personal behavior, what goes on between consenting adults is none of the government’s business.
Let’s look at the right to worship freely, which is guaranteed in the Constitution’s First Amendment.
Thomas Jefferson, who believed in limited government, said that if Roman Catholics want to believe in transubstantiation, that belief is none of government’s business. (Transubstantiation refers to an analogy between bread and wine and the body and blood of Christ.)
Jefferson also said that if Jews believe that there is one God, that belief is also none of the government’s business.
Tyranny results when government tries to interfere with personal matters.
One need look no further that Nazi Germany’s Nuremberg Laws of 1935. These anti-Semitic laws barred marriage between Jews and other Germans. The laws also criminalized sexual relations between Jews and non-Jewish Germans.
Government, specifically Nazi Germany, made the Nuremberg Laws. There was no need for such laws, yet government went ahead and enacted the laws anyway.
It’s time that Americans realized that their society has too many regulations, especially in the area of personal behavior.
With too much government, especially in the area of reproductive freedom, America risks becoming a fascist state.