Biden has opened the borders, allowing drug cartels, sex traffickers, criminals to run our streets. The border of Texas has been destroyed—that is repression.
Grooming of kids, unions closing our schools, Newsom closing our churches—that is repression. The Cancel Culture has killed off classic books and movies, comedians and pundits—that is repression.
Dr. Colman is right, we are living in a repressive society.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/8/23
Americans are living through an age of political repression.
Through taxes and regulations, the Democrats repress economic vitality.
The Republicans repress individual behavior.
To have a free society, political repression must stop immediately.
The Democrats are imbued with “group think.” Policies by Democratic officials put the rights of groups ahead of the rights of individuals. In university admissions and in hiring, diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) count for more than merit.
The Republicans are more interested in punishing people than leaving them alone. Why are certain Republicans trying to ban books and prevent a woman from having an abortion during the first two trimesters of pregnancy? Conduct between consenting adults, such as same-sex marriage, must not be regulated by government.
The Democrats want to tax commerce. A tax on businesses is an expense just as the monthly telephone bill is an expense. To create and keep jobs, taxes on businesses must be reduced or eliminated.
In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, wants to dictate what topics can be taught in public schools. Why not let local school districts or parents make such decisions?
DeSantis wants legislation to make suing the news media easier. Luckily, a coalition of leftists, centrists, and rightists in the Florida state legislature rejected DeSantis’s plans.
In Minnesota, there is a plan to tax businesses on world-wide profits. Why can’t Minnesota just tax profits on the basis of profits made in Minnesota or in the United States? If Minnesota taxes world-wide profits, jobs will leave the state. In fact, Minnesota should not tax any business profits.
Democrats want too much taxation on utilities. Why does there have to be a tax on the usage of electricity, natural gas, cable television, and water? In some states, food is taxed. People need to eat, why should there be a tax on food?
Inflation is another form of repression. For many decades, price increase have outpaced incomes, leaving Americans poorer. Government is spending too much money and printing too much money. Inflation is a tax without legislation. There must be a limit on spending and on taxation.
In America, citizens are not slaves to the state. But current trends, especially among Democrats and Republicans, are enslaving people to government.
When political repression stops, the United States will have freedom and a soaring economy.