The Democrats have turned full frontal Socialist/Fascist.  They no longer believe is free speech, education or that your body belongs to you—unless you want to kill a baby.

INCARCERATION:  In many American cities, criminals are prowling the streets and breaking into homes.  Calls like “defund the police” are hurting law-abiding citizens.  If police officers are not given proper authority, recruiting and retaining police officers will become difficult. 

It’s important to have qualified police officers, and these officers must be trained properly in making arrests.  In cities like San Francisco, shop lifters, with impunity, are robbing stores, and nothing is being done.  Such criminals must be arrested and tried. 

California has become the lead State in which criminals control the “justice” system.   DA’s won’t prosecute, cops won’t arrest and you are allowed, by law, to steal up to $950 worth of good with penalty—and you can riot, loot and burn with no penalty.  Feel safe in California?


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/15/21 

If the Democratic Party wants to hold onto both houses of Congress and, in California, pick up seats in the state legislature as well as win some state-wide offices in 2022, there must be a change of direction.

Right now, the Democratic Party is crippled with what can be called the Five I’s:  inflation; illegal immigration; incarceration; incompetence; and identity politics.

What is the significance of the Five I’s?

It means that the Democrats are straying too far from the political center and will be punished by voters.

INFLATION:  Prices are rising faster than incomes.  From July 2020 to July 2021, prices rose an astounding 5.4%.  This means that $100,000 in July 2020 are now worth $94,600, a loss of $5,400.  It’s as if the tax man asked a person for $5,400, and the person got nothing in return. 

Inflation stems from too much money chasing too few goods.  The money can from come the government’s printing too much money or from too much government spending on such items as roads, schools, and welfare.  Over the last half-century, the 1970 dollar has become worth 14 cents.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION:  Too many people are entering the United States illegally.  Most of these people lack the skills needed for employment.  Many do not speak English.  Some are criminals; others carry disease. 

The Democratic Party needs to develop criteria to halt illegal immigration.  If that means building a barrier around the country, let’s see the necessary construction.  The barrier can contain a door to let in people who need asylum and pledge to become good citizens.

INCARCERATION:  In many American cities, criminals are prowling the streets and breaking into homes.  Calls like “defund the police” are hurting law-abiding citizens.  If police officers are not given proper authority, recruiting and retaining police officers will become difficult. 

It’s important to have qualified police officers, and these officers must be trained properly in making arrests.  In cities like San Francisco, shop lifters, with impunity, are robbing stores, and nothing is being done.  Such criminals must be arrested and tried. 

In some cities, district attorneys are trying to change felonies into misdemeanors.  Also, district attorneys, in some cities, want to eliminate cash bail.  If a person charged with a crime does not have the cash for bail, then some obligatory community service can be imposed.

INCOMPETENCE:  All too often, government does a horrible job of performing services.  In August 2021, American military personnel departed Afghanistan.  The results were disastrous. 

Islamic terrorists who were expelled from Afghanistan in 2001 are now back and are running the country.  The American government should have developed proper exiting procedures that saved the lives of all Americans who wanted to leave Afghanistan. 

Furthermore, there should have been procedures to help Afghans who assisted the American military from 2001 to the present time leave the country safely. 

The Afghanistan evacuation is a permanent blot on America’s record in foreign affairs.

IDENTITY POLITICS.  The idea of giving preference to individuals based on their ethnic identity is wrong.  There have been severe incidences of mistreatment of ethnic minorities.  However, any discrimination based on race, religion, or creed is also wrong.  Some Americans might need help.  But that assistance must be provided on a non-discriminatory basis.

If the Democratic Party does not heal itself, the future of the party will be grim.

Democratic presidents like Harry Truman and Bill Clinton did not get involved with the Five I’s.

It’s time that the Democratic Party said “no” to ideas outside of the mainstream.