Imagine a government that is free. Imagine a government run by the Constitutional principles not corrupt politicians buying votes with your tax dollars.
In this situation, we would have all the gas we need, as a free market price. You would be able to buy a car you wanted, not some elitist white rich guy who doesn’t care about the cost of a car. You would be able to take a dangerous drug, if you wanted, not have government mandate you take a drug proven to be dangerous and does not work. In this Constitutional world the government could not close schools or churches and would not take over 50% of the money you earned.
Imagine a world where criminals get arrested and stay in jail! Or a world where racism is not taught by government schools and those that believe in equality are not called bigots.
All of that was America, once upon a time.

By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 9/1/22
Irving Berlin, perhaps America’s greatest song-writer, produced lyrics that said, “There’s no business like show business.”
Let’s try a variation of Berlin’s lyrics: “There’s no government like no government.”
Government is always trying to control personal behavior. To drink an alcoholic beverage legally, one must be age 21. To practice dentistry, one must have a license. To teach school, one must have a special credential. Government also has the ability to set wages. In many states, governments ban abortions.
And who cited government as the problem? The answer is Ronald Reagan, governor of California from 1967 to 1975 and president of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
In his January 1981 presidential inaugural address, Reagan said, “ . . . government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”
As California’s governor, Reagan signed, in 1967, legislation legalizing abortion in the state. The law is still on the books.
In the former Soviet Union, government bureaucrats, under communism, set prices for everything. The result was shortages of many products (such as food), which could only be obtained by waiting in long lines. Government price controls led to black markets, where, for a higher price, one did not have to wait in line.
Free-market capitalism lets individuals, not governments, set prices. If there is a shortage of gasoline, the price goes up. Conversely, if there is an oversupply, the price drops.
Free-market capitalism can be applied to abortion. If a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy, she could, under a capitalistic system, pay for the necessary medication or pay for someone (like a physician) to perform the necessary procedure.
But what happens if the woman does not have the funds for an abortion? Under a capitalistic system, someone could create an insurance business. By paying a premium for abortion insurance, the woman would have coverage if she became pregnant and wanted an abortion.
Here is how a hypothetical abortion insurance plan might work. The woman would pay an insurance premium of perhaps $5 a year. With enough women enrolled in the insurance plan, the insurance company would make a profit and the women would have coverage to pay for an abortion, which could range in cost from $500 to over $1,000.
Some Americans oppose abortion. That is their right as members of a free society.
But whatever the government does can be circumvented. Just as Prohibition, which, in America, went from 1920 to 1933, tried to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol, a governmental ban on abortion could be ignored by abortion seekers.
As Ronald Reagan said, “ . . . government is the problem.”