Every day we hear about the corruption of the CIA, the Gestapo tactics of the FBI, the use of the justice system to allow crimes. High taxes, rotten schools, bad roads and a President that is both demented and a tool of Communist China, shows how threatened we are as a nation.
We no longer pretend to have borders—the military is used to prepare the paperwork for the invaders—and we finance them to include free phones!
Fascist Fauci and the CDC lied about the origins or COVID, masks, social distancing and lockdowns. They closed work, schools and churches. And we did not fight back. Our media refuses to report the news—so we are ignorant. The USA is in trouble

By Richard Colman, Excusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/24/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
America used to be a great place to live.
Crime was low. There were few, if any, homeless people. One could spend an enjoyable day shopping in a big city. At one time, taxes, especially sales taxes, were much lower. Some states, like Florida, do not have a state income tax.
Now, America is deluged with people who don’t belong here, and those that remain here are contributing to a vast welfare system that discourages work and breeds crime.
Why should anyone live or work in a place like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, or similar places where going outdoors jeopardizes one’s life?
In many cities, public transportation is lacking, crime-ridden, or too expensive.
When a person visits a store, some or many of the employees have little or no knowledge of English.
Try calling many places of business. One generally receives a recorded message giving instructions in English and another language. Then one has to go through an array of choices. At certain stores, like pharmacies, it’s difficult or impossible to get a living person on the telephone.
Some people are moving to foreign countries to escape America’s crime, taxes, and other indignities. Living in a foreign country may -– and often does -– require knowing a language other than English. If there is an emergency, like a fire or a crime, how does a person who knows only English communicate, in a non-English- speaking country, with someone who does not speak English?
Why is parking in so many big American cities expensive, assuming parking can be found at all?
And if parking can be found, will one’s vehicle be vandalized during the driver’s absence?
America is being throttled by authoritarian local governments that refuse to protect citizens from crime. The police are, in effect, handcuffed when trying to make an arrest. The criminals, it seems, have more rights than the crime-fighters.
The time has come to put a wall around America’s borders. If someone wishes to enter the United States, he or she must have no involvement with illegal drugs, have no criminal record, have a job or an entry visa, and be able to speak English proficiently.
In America, both major political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are becoming authoritarian and dictatorial.
Americans do not need politicians telling Americans where and how to live. In some local communities, state governments are telling local governments to build more housing, especially housing for low-income people. Local governments should be able to make their own plans for housing. In some regions, state governments are restricting or abolishing plans to let local governments permit the construction of single, detached family homes. Minneapolis is an example.
Often, the response to American’s frustrations is government that is more authoritarian. In Florida, certain school-books are banned. Decisions on which books are allowed should be left to local authorities or to individuals.
Also in Florida, there was a plan to have the state-government regulate bloggers. Luckily, the Florida state legislature opposed such regulation.
In some states, decisions on matters of health are being restricted. Decisions on abortion, for example, should be left to a woman and her health provider. Government intervention in matters of abortion deprives an individual of basic rights. The government does not know when life begins.
There are now abortion pills. These medications can be sent by mail. There is no way to police what is in the mail.
Montana just banned the use of Tik Tok, a video system. While there are dangers associated with the use of Tik Tok, governments must not be able to control who chooses to use Tik Tok.
America is becoming a mean and unfriendly place. In future elections, do not support any candidate who threatens individual liberties or is soft on crime.