On 9/11 one man kept the city of New York together, showed strength and determination, unity and a sense of patriotism.  After that date Rudy Giuliani wad call AMERICAS MAYOR.   Yet twenty years later, in the anniversary of 9/11, Mayor Giuliani was nowhere to be found.

No one really knows why Giuliani was missing on the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack.

Giuliani was a rabid New York Yankees fan.  Maybe someone should plumb the depths of Yankee Stadium to see if the former mayor is sleeping in the dugout.

Come home to New York City, Rudi, if anyone will let you.

We need his leadership and determination again.  Mayor Rudy is the symbol of strength and patriotism—something that is lacking in the Biden Administration.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/20/21

He wasn’t there.  Is he sick or dead?  The so-called hero of Sept. 11, 2001, was missing at a memorial ceremony 20 years later.  What happened?

He is Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York City on the day two airplanes destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

Giuliani was New York City’s mayor from January 1994 to January 2012.

Lauded for his leadership during and after 9/11, Giuliani became known as America’s Mayor.  In a way, he became, some would say, New York City’s equivalent of Winston Churchill. 

Giuliani was credited with building morale during New York City’s — and the rest of the nation’s — time of darkness.

Americans were saying that Giuliani could easily become a future U.S. president.

But the hero of 20 years ago was missing in action on Sept. 11, 2021.

One can speculate about Giuliani’s absence.  Here are some guesses:

 Giuliani, among New Yorkers and others, has become so hated because of his strong support for former president Donald J. Trump that the former mayor was afraid to show his face anywhere in or near New York City, a strong Democratic redoubt.  Giuliani is a Republican.

 Giuliani was trying to figure out how to keep his hair dye from dripping down his face during a speech.

 Giuliani is suffering from some sort of dementia.  After all, he is 77 years old.

 He was afraid that he might be killed because, in August 2021, the Taliban, a radical Islamist group, took over Afghanistan after being ousted from power in that nation after Sept. 11, 2001.  The Taliban was responsible for the original 2001 attack.

If he showed up at the World Trade Center memorial, he feared he would be booed off the podium.

 Giuliani, with Donald Trump, was playing golf at some resort.

No one really knows why Giuliani was missing on the 20th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack.

Giuliani was a rabid New York Yankees fan.  Maybe someone should plumb the depths of Yankee Stadium to see if the former mayor is sleeping in the dugout.

Come home to New York City, Rudi, if anyone will let you.