Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected as a Republican, governed as a radical Democrat.  Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not find that he has endorsed Trump for President.  The highlight of his Administration was higher taxes, more regulations and AB 32, the forerunner of the Green Agenda—he set the foundation for the use of climate change as a means to destroy the California economy, jobs and businesses.  He was Newsom, with an accent.

Yes, he is a celebrity—but no one takes him seriously.  Has he discussed, publicly, China, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East?  Maybe he should head a Commission on the ending of females in sports.


By Richard Colman, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  8/28/24

Arnold Schwarzenegger should be the next secretary of state.

As a Republican, Arnold could fit in politically with a Donald Trump administration if Trump, also a Republican, wins the election.

But here is another scenario:  Arnold, if he endorses Kamala Harris, a Democrat, for president, might add some glamour (or pizazz) to a Harris administration.

Why Arnold?  He has government experience.  He easily won two terms running as a Republican candidate for governor of California (in 2013 and 2016).  For over 20 years, California has been a strongly Democratic state, yet Arnold, as a candidate for governor, overcame the Golden State’s Democratic orientation.

Arnold was born in Austria, so he knows something about European political affairs.

Arnold is 77 years old and younger than Trump, who is 78.  Arnold is likely in better physical shape than Trump.

Arnold was a somewhat moderate Republican and could fit in with a Democratic administration.

As California’s governor, Arnold showed a strong interest in international trade.  In 2005, he led a highly publicized trade mission to China, trying to interest China in buying California goods.

Arnold has been strongly pro-Israel.  As California’s governor, Arnold’s first foreign journey was to Israel.

As secretary of state, Arnold, as a Republican, would add a bipartisan flair to a Harris administration.

Trump may not want Arnold in a Trump cabinet.  Trump does not like being overshadowed by anyone.  As a world-famous person, Arnold would get far more attention than Trump, as president, would ever receive.

According to the Los Angeles Times (Nov. 14, 2005), Arnold was interested, while in China, in promoting “industries that are California’s specialties, such as computer services, software development, and engineering.  California also has firms with expertise in pollution control, transportation management and water conservation . . .”

The same Los Angeles Times article reported:  “When Schwarzenegger last toured China in the spring of 2000, fans in Shanghai and Beijing went wild.  Sales of his ‘Terminator’ movies were said to have soared, although the profits almost certainly went entirely to bootleggers.” 

In China, Arnold wanted to promote Hollywood films. 

California is a world-wide exporter of fine wines.

Growing up in Austria, which borders on Hungary, Arnold knew the dangers of Soviet communism.  From the end of World War II to 1989, Hungary was an eastern European satellite of the communist Soviet Union. 

In 1955, Austria became an independent, neutral nation and was not part of eastern Europe’s Soviet satellite system.  Arnold knew the dangers of an Austrian crossing into a Soviet-controlled nation like Hungary.  By entering Hungary, an Austrian risked being captured or killed by the Soviet-controlled Hungarian state.

Michael Bloomberg, the former three-term mayor of New York City, has often spoken highly of Arnold.  Bloomberg has said that there is too much extremism in America’s two major political parties.  In 2001, Bloomberg ran for the New York City’s mayor’s job as a Republican.  Bloomberg, in reality, was a Democrat, but he initially ran for mayor as a Republican, thinking that he had a better chance of becoming mayor if he ran as a Republican.  Bloomberg succeeded then-mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Republican and the mayor from 1994 to 2022.

There is a danger if a President Harris names Arnold as secretary of state.  Arnold is a celebrity.  He is a world renown body-builder, film star, and politician.  As secretary of state, Arnold could outshine Harris.

The likelihood that Arnold would be nominated to be Harris’s secretary of state is remote.  But the idea is intriguing

One thought on “Colman: WILD SPECULATION

  1. Does anybody really care about an Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsement? Schwarzenegger ran as a republican only because the Democrats already endorsed Cruz Bustamante.

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