This is what radical Democrat Congressman Ted Lieu said about President Trump.  Lieu is as batty and mentally ill as Adam Schiff.

“In addition, I do support legislation that requires disclosure on ads and social media and so on so next time for example, if you see a pro-Trump ad, it might just say at the bottom ‘paid for by the Kremlin.’ And so that’s the kind of disclosure that we would like to see.

Does that mean Biden and Democrat ads have to say paid for by the Communist Chinese Party and oligarchs that buy the White House?

Dem Rep. Lieu: Trump Ads Should Disclose They’re ‘Paid for by the Kremlin’

PAM KEY, Breitbart,  6/20/23

Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that political ads for former President Donald Trump should “say at the bottom paid for by the Kremlin.”

Partial transcript as follows:

CLAIRE MCCASKILL: I am most concerned about political campaigns. As you well know the most powerful weapon in a political campaign is video of the candidate speaking in their own words. Many people don’t do townhalls there in Congress just because they’re afraid that their tracker will get them on film in a moment where they say something awkward or they misspeak and it can be used against them later. I have really a sense of urgency about what is going to happen in this next cycle when people start airing commercials of candidates speaking words they never said. What would your legislation do to prevent that and is there any sense of urgency in Congress to move quickly at least on the front of having to disclose if AI is used in political advertising.

LIEU: So nothing in this AI commission bill precludes Congress from acting in discrete areas of AI regulation. I also note that there is AI that can counter bad AI. So for example, you have some companies working on AI that can authenticate original videos and original images so that can be something that campaigns can use. In addition, I do support legislation that requires disclosure on ads and social media and so on so next time for example, if you see a pro-Trump ad, it might just say at the bottom ‘paid for by the Kremlin.’ And so that’s the kind of disclosure that we would like to see.