Crazies: Yoga is an Agent of White Supremacy

Every aspect of our lives appear to be governed by “white supremacy”.  When blacks attacks Asians, it is because of Trump and white supremacy.  When your child does homework and gets math questions correct, it is because of white supremacy.  Police stopping a crime perpetrated by a person of color is because of white supremacy.  Now we find out that YOGA is an agent of the evil white supremacists!

“…The book explores the existence of white supremacy and cultural appropriation in American yoga. “I would venture to say that everything in our collective society is rooted in white supremacy. I am sure there are many people who would disagree with that, and honestly I don’t care because I believe that and I know it’s the case,” she says.”

These folks are sick and need help.  If they really believe this, they are a danger to themselves and to society.  At what point will the fantasy cause them to explode and become violent—because of white supremacy?

MUST READ: Yoga Instructor and “Body Activist” Jessamyn Stanley Says White Supremacy has Polluted Yoga

By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit,  6/10/21

Jessamyn Stanley is a yoga instructor and “body activist.”

Jessamyn is making headlines for some reason after blaming white supremacy for polluting yoga.

Seriously. This happened.

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When is the left just going to come out and call for mass genocide of whitey?


PEOPLE reported:

Jessamyn Stanley needs you to know what yoga is really about – and it’s not the poses.

In her new book Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance, the yoga instructor and body activist shares reflective personal essays that touch upon everything from racism to the cultural appropriation of American yoga, from consumerism to cannabis.

And while the timing couldn’t be better considering the current cultural climate, the idea for the book came to her years ago while she was writing her first book, Every Body Yoga, a guide to developing a yoga practice.

“I realized yoga is a lot more than postures,” she tells PEOPLE. “The postures get to be more complicated, not because you’re practicing harder gymnastics or physical postures, but because you’re practicing emotional and mental and really spiritual postures.”…

…The book explores the existence of white supremacy and cultural appropriation in American yoga. “I would venture to say that everything in our collective society is rooted in white supremacy. I am sure there are many people who would disagree with that, and honestly I don’t care because I believe that and I know it’s the case,” she says.