Cultural sensitivity: Calif lawmakers declared ‘Jane Fonda Day’ on the day Vietnamese-Americans mourn the fall of Saigon

Jane Fonda wanted American killed in Viet Nam.  She supported the Viet Cong and the Communists.  American POW’s gave her messages.  She turned them over to the Communists.  She has made clear she supports racism, bigotry, law breakers. 

Yet the LA County Board of Supervisors declared April 30 as “Jane Fonda Day”

She wanted American service members EXECUTED.  I served with the First Infantry Division in Lai Khe, Viet Name—the Big Red One.  Literally she wanted ME executed.

“Jane Fonda, recall, was once a young starlet who famously hopped up onto the barrel of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun during a 1972 political pilgrimage to Hanoi and proclaimed her opposition to the Vietnam War which included South Vietnam’s desperate effort to resist incoming communists. She also demanded that American servicemen be executed for their role in helping our South Vietnamese allies resist them, grossly offending Vietnam War veterans and their families, Vietnamese-Americans, and everyone else who wasn’t all in on the antiwar hype inspired by America’s enemies.”

Why wasn’t she indicted for treason?  She was the Tokyo Rose of the Viet Nam war.  Shame on us for allowing this.

Cultural sensitivity: Calif lawmakers declared ‘Jane Fonda Day’ on the day Vietnamese-Americans mourn the fall of Saigon

By Monica Showalter, American Thinker,  5/14/24

Here’s something that didn’t go down well from California’s blue-state rulers in generally conservative Orange County:

According to CalMatters:

Forty-nine years after the Fall of Saigon, April 30 remains a solemn day for Nguyen and Ta as it is for many of 2.3 million Vietnamese-Americans in the U.S. They call it Black April. 

 “It’s a day that we mourn,” Nguyen said.

Which is why Ta and Nguyen were outraged when leaders of neighboring Los Angeles County declared April 30 “Jane Fonda Day” to honor the celebrity for her environmental activism. The lawmakers immediately began pressuring officials to rescind the recognition.

So much for ethnic sensitivity, which so many Democrats claim to champion? This went over like a baseball bat to the face to Vietnamese-Americans who still remember Jane Fonda as that Hollywood political pilgrim who effectively spit in their faces and kicked them when they were down.

Jane Fonda, recall, was once a young starlet who famously hopped up onto the barrel of a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun during a 1972 political pilgrimage to Hanoi and proclaimed her opposition to the Vietnam War which included South Vietnam’s desperate effort to resist incoming communists. She also demanded that American servicemen be executed for their role in helping our South Vietnamese allies resist them, grossly offending Vietnam War veterans and their families, Vietnamese-Americans, and everyone else who wasn’t all in on the antiwar hype inspired by America’s enemies.

The American veterans made their opposition known and managed to exact an apology from her several years later, but not everyone was convinced.

The Vietnamese-Americans, who lost their country to communists through the efforts of Hanoi Jane and the anti-war left and who were lucky to survive long enough on rickety boats through pirate-infested shark-infested seas with huge waves and storms to make it to the states, though, have not forgotten. They, too, were offended, and now they are making their voices known. CalMatters continues:

Ta and his Democratic colleague, Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen of Elk Grove, wrote a letter last week signed by nearly every Republican Assemblymember urging the L.A. County supervisors to rescind the proclamation.

“This honor for Ms. Fonda is an affront to the service and sacrifice of American and South Vietnamese soldiers who gave everything in the cause of freedom,” their letter said.

There also was this:

Janet Nguyen is running for Orange County supervisor. But before she leaves the Senate at the end of the year, she’s made it a point to introduce anti-communism measures in a state known for its leftist politics. 

She introduced a resolution declaring Nov. 7 “Victims of Communism Day, in memory of the 100 million people who have fallen victim to communist regimes across the world.”  The resolution passed the state Senate last year. She also has a bill pending that would allow a nonprofit organization to construct a memorial to the victims of communism on the state Capitol grounds. It passed the Senate in April. Neither measure had any opposition.

“Vietnamese refugees coming here, we treasure democracy and freedom,” she told CalMatters. “And we treasure our voice. And so we don’t want anybody to have to live through what we’ve lived through.”

They’re getting results, because while Democrats have long dismissed veterans as being people of any importance, they do pay attention to the ethnic vote, which they know they are already losing to Republicans for multiple reasons. The Vietnamese are pretty much emerging as the West Coast version of Miami Cubans (and native-born Americans just love them both, culture and politics) and beginning to feel the outlines of political power, which Republican Californians dearly hope will happen.

Somebody made a phone call to the leftists running Los Angeles, and managed to do this much:

On Thursday, the Los Angeles County Supervisors announced they would change the date to another in April during Earth Month “out of respect for the community voices who have spoken up.”

Which is a bit of progress, but not good enough, actually. They shouldn’t be honoring this person at all until she apologizes to Vietnamese-Americans for her role in destroying their homeland.

And it’s a great positive development that the Vietnamese-American community is emerging to right these wrongs and let these fools know they’ve got debts to pay.

One thought on “Cultural sensitivity: Calif lawmakers declared ‘Jane Fonda Day’ on the day Vietnamese-Americans mourn the fall of Saigon

  1. This declaration of Jane Fonda Day is another logically starved endorsement of the procommunist leaning ideology of LA city council. She lost out of a great movie career because of her mis placed loyalties. She should have been tried for treason because she gave the American service prisoner of war notes to North Vietnam soldiers.

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