Dem Rep. Garamendi: Trump May Be Cutting Dirty Foreign Policy Deal Like Reagan Did with Iran Hostages

As a typical Democrats, Congressman John Garamendi is upset that Ronald Reagan brought home the hostages held for over 400 days by Iran, under the weak Presidency of Jimmie Carter.  Now America has another weak President, Joe Biden.  At least Carter admitted Americans are hostage.  Biden NEVER mentions the Americans held by the Hamas terrorists.

Garamendi is upset the Trump might be able to get the release of the hostages.  As a Democrat he prefers the hostages be held and forgotten than allow Trump to get them released.  He is a sick man.

“On Friday’s edition of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) suggested that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is engaging in some sort of deal like “what happened to Jimmy Carter when Reagan and his troops cut a deal with the Iran[ian] ayatollah and leaving Jimmy Carter to hang out there.”

We want the hostages back—since Biden can not even remember we have hostages; glad Trump is doing the job.

Dem Rep. Garamendi: Trump May Be Cutting Dirty Foreign Policy Deal Like Reagan Did with Iran Hostages

IAN HANCHETT, Breitbart,  7/13/24

On Friday’s edition of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) suggested that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is engaging in some sort of deal like “what happened to Jimmy Carter when Reagan and his troops cut a deal with the Iran[ian] ayatollah and leaving Jimmy Carter to hang out there.”

Garamendi said, “If there’s going to be a cognitive test, let’s not have a kindergarten cognitive test, which is what Trump continually talks about. If there’s going to be a cognitive test, yes, both should. But I would like to see Donald Trump stand in front of the international press corps, as Biden did yesterday, and answer the questions, answer the detailed questions about international relationships, detailed questions about national security. And I’d like him also to explain to the international press why he spent four years as President, basically tearing apart NATO and handing the keys to Putin. And I remember the press conference in Helsinki. I remember what happened there. And all of us, now that we have Russia invading Ukraine, all of us should be aware of what’s going on.”

He continued, “And, oh, by the way, who did Trump meet with yesterday in Mar-a-Lago? He met with Orban. Who did Orban meet with a week ago? Putin. Isn’t it interesting, that Orban goes and meets with Putin and then meets with Trump? What are those two guys dealing with right now? What are they up to? What do we have to look forward to? I remember very well what happened to Jimmy Carter when Reagan and his troops cut a deal with the Iran[ian] ayatollah and leaving Jimmy Carter to hang out there. And what happened three months after he became — Reagan became President? Yeah, we had the Iran-Contra deal. That’s what we had. So, what is Trump up to? What is Orban up to? We need to — you need to ask those questions of those two characters.”

One thought on “Dem Rep. Garamendi: Trump May Be Cutting Dirty Foreign Policy Deal Like Reagan Did with Iran Hostages

  1. Garamendi pontificates just like the campaigning democrat he is. Trump cannot negotiate with Iran. He is not President yet! Garamendi is in denial regarding Biden’s mental challenges. Garamendi and all the Democrats need to come together to help Trump make Ameria great again and not oppose him just to make America worse. Democrats need to accept that they spent 8 years trying to destroy America. Garamendi was a disaster as the Insurance Commissioner of California, so the California voters promoted him to the House of Representatives so he could broaden his idiotic policies and beliefs.

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