In seven years we will see the complete collapse of California. It is estimated we will lose five congressional seats—though I think it will only be four. Still that is the largest loss of representation in American history. This means the “left behinds” will be illegal aliens, the very poor and the very rich—living in gated communities away from the slums and war zones.
“This news comes from Decision Desk HQ, which looked at the data and concluded, “If current trends continue, the state could lose as many as five congressional districts in the 2030 reapportionment cycle.”
Now you know one of the many reasons Democrats are flooding America with illegals and want to make them citizens.
It would be much worse if illegal aliens were not counted in the population of California. If they were not counted, California would lose a minimum of TEN seats.
Nolte: Democrat-Run California Predicted to Lose Five House Seats by 2030

JOHN NOLTE, Breitbart, 9/19/23
Democrat-run California could lose five congressional districts in 2030 due to population loss.
Tee hee.
This news comes from Decision Desk HQ, which looked at the data and concluded, “If current trends continue, the state could lose as many as five congressional districts in the 2030 reapportionment cycle.”
Now you know one of the many reasons Democrats are flooding America with illegals and want to make them citizens.
Currently, California is the biggest state in the union, with 52 congressional districts. Only twelve of those districts are Republican seats. The remaining 40 are Democrat seats. Both of the (formerly) Golden State’s Senate seats are held by Democrats.
Obviously, California has a big impact on which party holds the U.S. House of Representatives.
California also has a big impact on presidential elections. Electoral votes are based on congressional districts plus U.S. Senate seats. In 2024, California will hold 54 electoral votes. The next closest is Texas, with 40 electoral votes.
Ah, but in 2020, California held 55 electoral votes. Yes, for the first time since gaining statehood in 1850, California lost a congressional district because California is losing population.
This is the beauty of the U.S. Constitution, which is why Democrats hate the U.S. Constitution. Eventually, the Democrat party’s terrible policies come with a political cost. If nothing else, people flee to saner states like Texas and Florida. The result? Democrats lose population, which costs them congressional districts, which costs them what they desire most: federal power.
Conversely, sane states run by effective Republicans gain federal power with more House seats and more electoral votes.
Anyone my age (57) must be as gobsmacked as I am to see this change of fortunes in California. All my life, it was Go West, young man. All my life, California was the future, a utopia, the place where dreams come true. Perfect weather. Laid-back people. Personal freedom. Beaches. Low taxes. Beautiful neighborhoods. Perfect weather. Are you going to San Francisco? Be sure to wear a flower in your hair.
I moved to California in 2003 and almost made it ten years. Nice people, sure. And when I got there, some of that promise still existed. Arnold Schwarzenegger was soon made governor. Sanity seemed to prevail. But the traffic! The smog! The crime! The wildfires! By the time I left, California was taxing its citizens for using plastic grocery bags.
Things are much worse now, especially the taxes, regulations, schools, and crime. The state has effectively decriminalized crime. No one able to flee elsewhere will stand for that.
What’s more, by importing the third world, so much of so many of the cities are trashed, and public schools are even more of a disaster.
No sane person remains in a state where a Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) can survive a recall after he made the anti-science and fascist decision to close the state for months over COVID while he partied at a restaurant.
So, normal people are leaving and taking their congressional districts and electoral votes with them.
And that’s why Democrats hate freedom and hate the Constitution, and why they are importing the third world while calling for citizenship.
California is becoming Venezuela, with an elite class, an uber-wealthy class, a gangland /cartel class, and a poor or at best, lower-middle class. California government has done everything that would be done in a totalitarian state to undermine the middle / retail / services class. Business other than globalists Google, McDonalds, et al. are leaving or just failing. Gangs increasingly destroy businesses and many residents feel like SF, Oakland, San Jose and Los Angeles are the Wild West where criminals indiscriminately shoot bystanders and the government does everything it can to keep citizens from buying or owning guns (San Jose, insurance required $1000 per year per gun?). Any shopkeeper who tries to stop thieves is charged with a crime while the looters are laughing and free. We are flooded with young male migrants from Venezuela–who may migrate into the fentanyl and other illicit drug trade to pay back the cartels who got them here. The rule of law in the U.S. is not respected or enforced concerning migration, so what is keeping the cartels from establishing a system of warlords who hold our unduly elected officials hostage?