Democrats Admit: Biden is NOT Mentally Capable of Being President—Don’t Trust Him With Nuclear Weapons

By July 4 we will be saying President Harris.  Washington Democrats have bills to take away the nuclear codes from the President.  A bi-partisan group has a bill to change the “Wars Act’ so they, not the President can send in troops—in affect ending the President as Commander in Chief.  Instead of just using the 25th Amendment, they are changing the Presidency.

“Last week, almost three dozen House Democrats issued a formal letter questioning Joe Biden’s mental acuity as it related to his sole presidential authority to launch nuclear weapons.

In that letter, principal signer Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) asked that Biden give up his unilateral authority because, “Vesting one person with this authority entails risks.” Panetta tactfully noted, “Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” and asked that Biden “install additional checks and balances.”

Translation: “Mr. President, you are terminally non compos mentis, and we don’t want your finger alone on the launch button.”

Clearing the Path for Harris to Bump Biden

Seriously, we want to know, when will Joe go?

Mark Alexander, Patriot Post,  3/3/21   

 “Wherever the real power in a Government lies, there is the danger of oppression.” —James Madison (1788)

Last week, almost three dozen House Democrats issued a formal letter questioning Joe Biden’s mental acuity as it related to his sole presidential authority to launch nuclear weapons.

In that letter, principal signer Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) asked that Biden give up his unilateral authority because, “Vesting one person with this authority entails risks.” Panetta tactfully noted, “Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” and asked that Biden “install additional checks and balances.”

Translation: “Mr. President, you are terminally non compos mentis, and we don’t want your finger alone on the launch button.”

Given the timing of that letter, combined with the fact that, since their “unity” inauguration, Biden’s uber-leftist president-in-waiting, Kamala Harris, has been rapidly assuming duties generally reserved for the president, is it any wonder that she’s now running an office pool on when she’ll bump Biden off his box?

Some on our team don’t think he’ll finish the year. I’m not sure he will finish the month.

Biden and Harris were swept into office on a tsunami of unverifiable bulk-mail ballots after a mass media pre-election cover-up of Biden’s ChiCom corruption — made possible by the collusion between the Democrat Party, their Leftmedia propagandists, and their Big Tech speech suppressors.

The Demo/media co-conspirators combined forces to elect Creepy Joe, but leftists of all ages were really supporting Harris. She is, like Bernie Sanders, the socialist they wanted, and indeed Harris voted with Sanders on 92% of legislation before the Senate in the two years she served.

The Biden/Harris ticket was the inverse of the Obama/Biden ticket, with the radical unknown on the top unable to draw the more moderate Demo voters without adding Biden. Last year, because Biden won the Demo primary in a large field of mostly leftist candidates, he needed a leftist on the bottom of his ticket to win.

In August of last year, when Biden announced Harris as his running mate — despite her abysmal primary performance — I titled my profile of Harris, “Actually It’s the ‘Harris-Biden’ Ticket. I wrote, “It may be ‘Biden-Harris 2020’ on the ballot, but it’s really Harris ‘21-’22-’23-’24, and she is a perilous Trump opponent.” Just ask Donald Trump!

Noting that Biden’s handlers completed their “selection of his [Insert Leftist Woman of Color Here] ticket requirement” just ahead of the Demo convention, it was clear that neither Michelle Obama nor Susan Rice passed Joe’s “sniff test.”

It was equally clear that the then-78-year-old Biden still had enough cognitive processing ability to know he was on borrowed time, even declaring himself a “transitional candidate” early in his campaign.

Recall that in public forums just before the election, Harris made a very deliberate reference to “a Harris administration, together with Joe Biden.” Following the script, the next day, Biden referenced a “Harris-Biden administration.” In Biden’s case, this might have been a “slip of the teleprompter,” but the point stands. Harris is at the helm and she is a perilous threat to Liberty.

I believe Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer scripted Biden’s “transition,” the rapid succession setup to replace him with Harris. Their scheme is not unprecedented. In 1944, when it was evident to his Democrat Party handlers that Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not survive his fourth term, they tapped Sen. Harry Truman (D-MO) as his successor — who indeed did succeed FDR just months after his January 1945 inauguration for a fourth term.

Weeks before the election, Pelosi seeded the 25th Amendment legislation for Biden’s path to resign. As I noted then, “Pelosi’s target is, ostensibly, Trump. But if Biden wins, this will provide Democrats plausible deniability to remove him. Of course, he’ll be complicit in that political maneuver, and ‘acquiesce’ to House Democrats in order to cover the fact that the real candidate has been Kamala Harris all along, thus not causing protest from his supporters that the transition was fixed before the election.”

And Trump agreed with that assessment: “Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”