If you trusted the experimental drug, why do you need a mask? It is obvious, the Leftists in San Mateo have no support for the the vaccine—except to force people to take it. Once taken, it is worthless, otherwise why a mask mandate?
“From Monday, residents of San Mateo County will be required to wear masks indoors despite 89 percent of the population being fully vaccinated.
The mask mandate has been brought back in San Mateo County “out of an abundance of caution” as the Delta variant spreads through the county and the rest of California.
So what’s the big emergency?
“San Mateo recorded 13 new COVID-19 cases on June 15 as the state lifted restrictions, per the report. “By July 15, the number of cases had risen to 74, a trend the country describes as ‘troublesome.’”
And no, San Mateo County’s healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Currently, there are only 15 (not a typo) county residents hospitalized with the China Flu.
This is not about your health it is about government controlling your life. Germany did this in the 1930’s—California and Newsom is doing this in 2021.
Nolte: Democrat-Run San Mateo County Reinstates Mask Mandate Despite 89% Vaccination Rate
John Nolte, Breitbart, 7/26/21

California’s San Mateo County is as left wing as it gets; it sports an 89 percent vaccination rate and has just reinstated a mask mandate, which includes the vaccinated.
From Newsweek:
A county in California is reintroducing a mask mandate requiring people to cover their faces while inside facilities and businesses following a “troubling rise” of COVID cases.
From Monday, residents of San Mateo County will be required to wear masks indoors despite 89 percent of the population being fully vaccinated.
The mask mandate has been brought back in San Mateo County “out of an abundance of caution” as the Delta variant spreads through the county and the rest of California.
So what’s the big emergency?
“San Mateo recorded 13 new COVID-19 cases on June 15 as the state lifted restrictions, per the report. “By July 15, the number of cases had risen to 74, a trend the country describes as ‘troublesome.’”
And no, San Mateo County’s healthcare system is not overwhelmed. Currently, there are only 15 (not a typo) county residents hospitalized with the China Flu.
Yes, these lunatics are reinstating a mask mandate over 74 new cases over ten days in a county with – get this – 718,000 residents. You can probably add another 100 million illegal aliens.
In a county of 718,000, only 15 people are in the hospital with the coronavirus, and the mask mandates have returned.
Why get vaccinated?
Why bother?
Even if you’re vaccinated, these lunatics are still going to make you strap a filthy piece of cloth across your face.
Even if your entire county has an 89 percent vaccination rate, which is well above the percentage required for herd immunity, these superstitious lunatics will still force you to strap a dirty piece of cloth over your face.
These mask mandates also hurt the cause to convince people to get vaccinated. Why bother if you’re still not safe? Why bother if you’re going to be shoved in a mask anyway?
And let’s not forget South Dakota, Florida, and Texas, the three states that did just fine without mask mandates, shutdowns, and lockdowns. But no one wants to talk about that.
This, by far, is the most revealing part of the story… Everyone the media talked to in San Mateo is perfectly fine with reinstituting this bizarre superstition.
The sad truth is that there are a lot of leftists who love wearing these masks. It’s a cheap and easy way to feel superior to the “slobs” who refuse. It’s a cheap and easy way to signal their virtue with a useless symbol that doesn’t require them actually to do anything virtuous.
Remember all those different-colored bracelets leftists loved to wear ten or so years ago, the yellow Lance Armstrong one and all the others? That was another cheap and easy way to signal your virtue. I’ve seen people wear a half-dozen, as though that says something positive about their character. Well, a dirty piece of cloth has replaced the bracelets, and I guess that’s fine with me. I’m vaccinated. There’s no way in hell I’m ever wearing a mask ever again. But if you shallow, anti-science peacocks are willing to be miserable in your little face burka, this is me pointing and laughing at you.