‘Democrats Don’t Want the Public to Know They’re Protecting Pedophiles’

Sacramento Democrats have made it clear—they have no problem bringing pedophile illegal aliens into this country—and make sure they are allowed to stay.

““Democrats don’t want the public to know they’re protecting pedophiles, that’s why they cut my mic on the Assembly Floor! This is not democracy–it is tyranny.” That is what Assemblyman Bill Essayli said after attempting on Tuesday to get his bill heard to require law enforcement to deport convicted illegal alien child sex offenders. Essayli tried to force a vote on AB 2641, to end sanctuary protections for illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors.

Another instance of Democrats protecting criminals—just as DA’s like Gascon in LA and Price in Alameda have done for years.  No cash bail, promoted by Democrats, has kept career criminals on the streets.  Newsom refusing to enforce the State law on the death penalty is an example of thumbing their nose at the Rule of Law.

‘Democrats Don’t Want the Public to Know They’re Protecting Pedophiles’

Assemblyman Essayli’s mic cut on Assembly Floor trying to get his bill heard

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  5/21/24   https://californiaglobe.com/fl/democrats-dont-want-the-public-to-know-theyre-protecting-pedophiles/

“Democrats don’t want the public to know they’re protecting pedophiles, that’s why they cut my mic on the Assembly Floor! This is not democracy–it is tyranny.” That is what Assemblyman Bill Essayli said after attempting on Tuesday to get his bill heard to require law enforcement to deport convicted illegal alien child sex offenders. Essayli tried to force a vote on AB 2641, to end sanctuary protections for illegals convicted of sex crimes against minors.

Assemblyman Essayli’s legislation was inspired by Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) announcement that an illegal alien who raped an American child was released from California state custody. He says this is a direct result of California’s Sanctuary State laws for illegal immigrants.

Essayli just wanted his bill heard and debated. As he motioned to suspend the rules to allow his bill to be heard in the Assembly, the Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) told him “Stop. Stop. Stop!” Essayli looked perplexed. “You went beyond making a motion – you started to go into debate,” Wood said. Essayli was making the motion to have his bill removed from the Public Safety Committee and taken up in the Assembly to end California’s “sanctuary state” protections for illegal immigrant pedophiles.

Apparently that sounded like debate to Speaker pro Tempore Wood. Essayli had to complete his motion without microphone.

A vote was taken, and not a single Democrat in the Assembly voted in support of hearing Essayli’s bill. Doesn’t that make you wonder why – why Democrats are effectively supporting harboring criminal illegal aliens in the state, prioritizing people here illegally, and criminally, ahead of law-abiding California citizens. What is their motive? No one in the state is safe under these circumstances.

California Democrats should be forced to take a position on sanctuary protections for illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes against minors, Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) told the Globe last Friday. The Globe wrote, “We need to know why there are Democrat lawmakers in California opposing a bill to protect American citizens from criminal illegal aliens.”

Essayli’s bill has been languishing as Democrats in the Public Safety Committee refuse to hear it “because they know I’d bring Angel moms and County Sheriffs to testify,” he said. Indeed. It is apparent that Democrats don’t want the optics of them refusing to cooperate with ICE, as well as protecting pedophile illegal immigrants.

“Why does state law protect pedophile illegal immigrants?” Essayli asked after the floor debacle. “Why are we shielding them from ICE?”

Assemblyman Essayli invited Angel mom Agnes Gibboney, whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant 22 years ago. Gibboney immigrated to the United States from communist Hungary. Her son was murdered in the driveway of their California home in 2002. “They put illegal aliens before us and our children.” Gibboney said after watching the Assembly Democrats kill the bill. “In the 22 years since my son was murdered, not a single thing has been done. I am outraged.”

“This is just another day in the Capitol,” Essayli said, motioning to the Assembly members walking by in the hallway. “These politicians, they don’t give a damn – they literally don’t give a damn,” he said. “It’s totally outrageous. You should see how cavalier and casually they just voted this down. It’s meaningless to them. They’re totally disconnected. So I hope the people see what happened today.”

Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) spoke with Essayli and Gibboney after, and was clearly irked. “What happened this morning is totally unacceptable. We are allowing sanctuary for criminals in our state.” Gallagher noted that Essayli’s bill was solely about illegal immigrant pedophiles. “There’s actually a bigger problem – the violations that are happening everyday, crimes being committed against everyday citizens here in California,” he said. “But today we focused on our kids… we should be able to say ‘no sanctuary’ for those committing sex crimes against our kids.”

“This is something that needs to be addressed, and for the majority party to completely ignore it is unacceptable,” Gallagher added.

“It is disgusting that Assembly Democrats just voted to protect illegal immigrant pedophiles, said Assemblyman Essayli. “But they are now all on record that they care more about protecting illegal immigrants — even those who rape an innocent child — more than protecting American children. Today is a sad, shameful day in the California State Capitol.”

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