Democrats Protecting protesters from rubber bullets /Tear Gas

If AB48 passes, cops will not be allowed to use real bullets, rubber bullets or tear gas to control riots.  In effect, the cops will only be allowed to watch the destruction, all the tools to stop the riot—except for bull horns and threats of arrest (which the rioters know won’t happen) and whole communities will be devastated.

AB 48 would limit police use of rubber bullets and other less lethal weapons at protests and demonstrations to certain situations, such as when someone’s life is in danger or to bring a dangerous situation under control after other means don’t work. Departments would also need to release reports on their use of such weapons. Its authors include Democratic Assemblymembers Lorena Gonzalez, Cristina Garcia and Ash Kalra.

Once again, the Democrats side with criminals, make our lives unsafe—and force decent families and businesses to leave the State, for their our physical and economic protection.

Protecting protesters from rubber bullets

By Robert Lewis, CalMatters,  9/9/21  


AB 48 would limit police use of rubber bullets and other less lethal weapons at protests and demonstrations to certain situations, such as when someone’s life is in danger or to bring a dangerous situation under control after other means don’t work. Departments would also need to release reports on their use of such weapons. Its authors include Democratic Assemblymembers Lorena Gonzalez, Cristina Garcia and Ash Kalra.


The California Faculty Association, news groups, labor organizations and student associations like the University of California Student Association are among those touting the bill as a way to protect people exercising their constitutional right to assemble and protest.


The California State Sheriffs’ Association and some local law enforcement groups contend the bill would take away discretion from officers who should have the right to use less lethal weapons as they deem necessary.


Police in California have resorted to using rubber bullets and tear gas against demonstrators and journalists — most recently during last summer’s protests in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. In some cases, people were seriously injured, leading to lawsuits contending the officers used such weapons inappropriately.