In the 1930’s in Germany Jews had to show papers, were not allowed to be hired, lost jobs, and were not allowed in society without wearing a yellow armband.
Now, in California the Democrats want to replicate the Nazi hate of Jews, this time among the unvaccinated. The only difference? Instead of yellow armbands, we must show a passport vaccinated card.
“Another California Legislature gut-and-amend-bill has been amended to replace existing legislation with language that seeks to order an employer to require a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. The bill also warns that to avoid further shutdowns and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed, “it is critical that all eligible Californians get vaccinated against COVID-19.”
The now 35 pages of AB 1102 by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Palo Alto), make these changes from the former “Telephone medical advice services:”
• Amends current state discrimination statute (Section 12940 of the Government Code) by specifying that the law does not prevent an employer from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. And specifies that employers may require booster shots that are recommended by the CDC.
No guarantee this will work—in L.A. County 30% of those vaccinated go the virus. In Nevada, 52% of the deaths now are those who were fully vaccinated. This is not about health, but like Nazi Germany isolating those you do not like. If passed and implemented watch for a massive fleeing of the State by those who wish to live in a free, not fascist, society.
Another Gutted Bill Amended to Compel CA Employers to Require COVID Vaccine as Condition of Employment

‘In order to avoid further shutdowns and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed, it is critical that all eligible Californians get vaccinated against COVID-19’
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 8/26/21
Another California Legislature gut-and-amend-bill has been amended to replace existing legislation with language that seeks to order an employer to require a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. The bill also warns that to avoid further shutdowns and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed, “it is critical that all eligible Californians get vaccinated against COVID-19.”
The now 35 pages of AB 1102 by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Palo Alto), make these changes from the former “Telephone medical advice services:”
• Amends current state discrimination statute (Section 12940 of the Government Code) by specifying that the law does not prevent an employer from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment. And specifies that employers may require booster shots that are recommended by the CDC.
• Also clarifies that employers may require employees or “applicated” who are not vaccinated to submit regular testing to confirm a negative COVID-19 status.
• Applies the provisions to apprenticeship training programs, unpaid internships, or any other program to provide unpaid experience for a person in the workplace.
• Sunsets on January 1, 2024.
“It’s pathetic,” said a Capitol source. “The progressive legislators play ‘Vax for the win’ [of money prizes] while the people of California have to walk down-urine soaked streets and needle strewn parks. Pathetic.”
AB 1102 now joins AB 455, which was a transportation bill amended into a bill ordering a vaccine mandate on private industry, as the Globe reported Wednesday.
AB 1102 legal language addresses more some Californians’ “vaccine resistance,” and in particular, those who already had the COVID virus and recovered and have chosen not to take the vaccine:
Amendment 2, Section (e): “There is a need for people who have been previously infected with COVID-19 to get vaccinated, as researchers have found that getting “vaccinated after infection boosted by 50-fold the activity of neutralizing antibodies needed to repel the virus and prevented infection with variants.”
The Lancet, and other Medical journals, as well as practicing physicians, have stated that children remain at a very low risk of COVID-19 mortality because of natural immunities.
AB 1102 says:
Amendment 2, section (f) Children under 12 years of age are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, which puts them at risk of contracting the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant.
Notably, the bill also says this:
(h) In order to avoid further shutdowns and prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed, it is critical that all eligible Californians get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The amendments specifically name “The Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines,” and say they “have been proven highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death” against COVID-19.