Democrats Want $15 Billion “Climate” Bond—Including Interest?  $30 BILLION

If we spend $30 billion, we could end climate change in California!  Of course that is a lie—but Newsom and friends are going to spend millions convincing you to go into debt to finance a hoax.

““Our communities are suffering the real-time consequences of climate change, from extreme heat, unprecedented storms, economic damage, or the worsening public health impacts of pollution — this crisis has grown increasingly urgent and deadly. We must act, and importantly, we must invest,” said Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia. 

“Our climate bond outlines an equity-focused investment plan to protect Californians. As we move to mitigate climate impacts and prevent future catastrophes, we must ensure that we are prioritizing underserved, environmentally vulnerable areas while taking this opportunity to create new jobs where they are needed the most.”

Garcia’s proposed Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparation, Flood Protection, Extreme Heat Mitigation, and Workforce Development Bond Act of 2024 will prioritize environmentally vulnerable areas, like those in his district, facing the harshest climate impacts. 

You will be told the cost of the bond is $15 billion—that is a lie and they know it.  What they are leaving out is the $15 billion in interest that will be paid on the Bond.  So, California politicians have $15 billion to buy votes—and Wall Street gets $15 billion to buy cars and houses—for themselves.  This is one of the biggest corrupt scams in California history.

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia advances $15.1 billion climate bond

By Desert Review, Staff Reporter, 4/26/23

SACRAMENTO — Taking action to protect California communities from the climate crisis, Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) has introduced AB 1567, a $15.1 billion climate bond with an equity-focused investment plan. The legislation passed the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources on April 24 following previous success in the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife, according to a press release.

“Our communities are suffering the real-time consequences of climate change, from extreme heat, unprecedented storms, economic damage, or the worsening public health impacts of pollution — this crisis has grown increasingly urgent and deadly. We must act, and importantly, we must invest,” said Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia. 

“Our climate bond outlines an equity-focused investment plan to protect Californians. As we move to mitigate climate impacts and prevent future catastrophes, we must ensure that we are prioritizing underserved, environmentally vulnerable areas while taking this opportunity to create new jobs where they are needed the most.”

Garcia’s proposed Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparation, Flood Protection, Extreme Heat Mitigation, and Workforce Development Bond Act of 2024 will prioritize environmentally vulnerable areas, like those in his district, facing the harshest climate impacts. 

Assemblymember Garcia has earned a broad coalition of statewide support for the climate bond. In addition, this legislation has become a priority for the California Latino Legislative Caucus. California voters will provide the final approval of this bond. 

District 36 highlights include $240 million dedicated to the Salton Sea (including $30 M for the Salton Sea Authority), $15 million for the Salton Sea Conservancy, $50 million towards the New River by way of the Water Quality, Public Health, and River Parkway Development Program, $200 million for Tribal Water Infrastructure Projects, $100 million towards Drinking Water Systems (technical and financial assistance to address hexavalent chromium), $30 million towards Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy, $50 million towards Organic Waste Infrastructure, and $850 million towards Safe Neighborhood Parks in Park-Poor Neighborhoods.