Does Biden Have Alzheimers? Photos Show Concern

This is a good one. This is also very frightening.

The first photo below is of Biden and his national security team, discussing the situation in Israel/Gaza. Notice anything different between that photo and the rest of the photos, showing preceding presidents in their situation rooms?
This is more proof Biden has no idea what he is doing, where he is or who are the people running the county. To see what is wrong with Biden, go to the bottom.
If you missed it, the nameplates are all facing Biden, rather than the individuals. Biden’s dementia is such that he can’t remember the names of his own national security team.
This is a tiny speck of evidence…what about the mountain of recorded events that clearly show he has about 20 of the 10 conditions identified as stage III or stage IV dementia!!!!
not to mention his many recorded encounters as a pedophile???
Biden is emotionally and mentaly sick. Every speech, eery walk to and from a podium shows he has no idea what he is doing. Today he called for a “pause” in the Israeli battle–would he have called for a pause after Pearl harbor or 9/11?